oleh | Mar 12, 2019 | News

[:ID]INDRAMAYU. Ibu Rohati, warga Blok. Gablog RT 05 RW 01, Desa Tegalurung, Kab. Indramayu Jawa Barat merupakan salah satu penerima manfaat bantuan program ekonomi di Desa Berdaya Tergalurung.

Ibu Rohati menerima bantuan program ekonomi berupa bantuan usaha peternakan entok dari ZIS Indosat. Beserta tujuh orang penerima manfaat lainnya, Ibu Rohati mendapatkan bantuan bibit entok, pakan serta sarana ternak.

Tiga bulan lebih menjadi penerima manfaat program, perkembangan entok Ibu Rohati termasuk yang terbaik dibandingkan dengan penerima manfaat lainnya. Entok-entoknya sudah menghasilkan telur, menetas dan sampai sekarang anak-anak entok yang sudah memasuki usia dua bulan tidak ada yang mati. Rata – rata berat anak entoknya juga mencapai 1,5 Kg per ekornya.

“Alhamdulillah, saya punya rahasia untuk pakan yang di berikan, yaitu nasi di campur dengan dedek dan juga pur. Nah pur ini yang membuat anak-anak entog perkembangannya sangat cepat dan bobot tiap anak entog mengalami kenaikan yang signifikan”, ujar Bu Rohati.

Didampingi oleh Fasilitator Rumah Zakat, seluruh penerima manfaat ternak entok diharapkan dapat membentuk kelompok usaha ternak entok dari hulu hingga ke hilir.

“Harapan saya, warga Desa Tegalurung dapat mengangkat kuliner khas daerah Indramayu seperti pedesan entok. Tak hanya beternak entoknya saja. Saya harap warga Desa Tegalurung juga bisa menjual olahan entok sehingga nilai jualnya bertambah dan meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat”, ujar Lastri selaku Fasilitator Rumah Zakat.

Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]INDRAMAYU. MRs. Rohati, a resident of Blok. Gablog RT 05 RW 01, Tegalurung Village, Kab. Indramayu West Java is one of the beneficiaries of economic program assistance in Rumah Zakat’s Empowered Village.

Ms. Rohati received economic program assistance in the form of small-scale livestock business assistance from ZIS Indosat. Along with seven other beneficiaries, Ms. Rohati received assistance from duck seeds, livestock feed and facilities.


Three months being the beneficiaries of the program, the development of Rohat’s duck is among the best compared to other beneficiaries. Her ducks have produced eggs, hatched and until now children who have entered the age of two months no one dies. The average weight of the sapling also reaches 1.5 kg per head.


“Alhamdulillah, I have a secret for the feed given, which is rice mixed with dedek and also pur. Now this pur makes the children of the development very fast and the weight of each child in the school experiences a significant increase, “said Mrs. Rohati.

Accompanied by Rumah Zakat Facilitator, all beneficiaries of duck livestock are expected to be able to form a duck livestock business group from upstream to downstream.


“My hope is that residents of Tegalurung Village can promote Indramayu’s regional culinary delights such as duck village. It’s not just raising fish. I hope that residents of Tegalurung Village can also sell processed soybeans so that the selling value will increase and improve the economy of the community, “said Lastri as the facilitator of Rumah Zakat.[:]