[:ID]BOYOLALI. Boyolali, kota yang terletak di Jawa Tengah ini terpilih sebagai tuan rumah Hari Pangan Sedunia untuk Indonesia (World Food Day Indonesia) tahun 2016. Perayaan Hari Pangan Sedunia 2016 menjadi perhelatan yang ke-36 sepanjang diadakan di Indonesia.
Secara internasional, World Food Day 2016 diperingati pada tanggal 16 Oktober, dengan mengusung tema “Climate is Changing, Food Agriculture Must Too”. Tidak berbeda jauh dari tema internasionalnya, Hari Pangan Sedunia 2016 di Indonesia mengusung tema “Membangun Kedaulatan Pangan Berkelanjutan Mengantisipasi Era Perubahan Iklim”.
Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut Relawan Inspirasi RZ desa Winong tak ingin ketinggalan untuk mengikuti kegiatan yang dihadiri Presiden dan pihak-pihak strategis tersebut. Relawan Inspirasi RZ bersama KWT Winong menjajakan produk olahan Pangan Lokal Paguyuban KWT Maju Makmur Kec. Boyolali. Produk dijajakan pada stand dari pukul 08.00 hingga 15.00.
“Stand kami ada di depan kantor DPRD Kab. Boyolali. KWT Winong membawa beberapa produk olahan seperti tempe gepuk, kripik entik dan keripik singkong gadung.” kata Relawan Inspirasi RZ desa Winong. “Semoga dari aara ini produk olahan KWT Winong dikenal banyak orang.” tutupnya.
Newsroom/Rico Ayatul Yuza
Boyolali[:en]BOYOLALI. A town in Central Java was chosen as the host for the World Food Day Indonesia (World Food Day Indonesia) in 2016. The celebration of World Food Day 2016 became the 36th round that held in Indonesia.
Internationally, the World Food Day 2016 is celebrated on October 16, with the theme “Climate is Changing, Food Agriculture Must Too”. Does not differ much from its international theme, the World Food Day 2016 in Indonesia under the theme “Building a Sustainable Food Sovereignty Anticipates Climate Change era”
Based on that background RZ Inspiring Volunteer in Winong village did not want to miss for the event which was attended by the President and the parties are located. Volunteer Inspiration RZ together with KWT Winong sell Local Food products Society KWT Maju Makmur district. Boyolali. Products sold at the stand from 08.00 until 15.00.
“Our Stand in front of the DPRD Boyolali regency, KWT Winong brought some processed products such as tempeh gepuk, Entik chips and cassava yam chips, “said RZ Inspiring Volunteer in Winong village. “Hopefully from this products from KWT Winong known to many people” he concluded.
Newsroom/Rico Ayatul Yuza