CICALENGKA (05/02). Program pembangunan water well MT Telkomsel bekerjasama dengan RZ kini telah memasuki pekan ketiga. Proses pembangunan water well yang berlokasi di dusun Leuwiliyang RW. 06 Desa Tanjungwangi Cicalengka ini sudah memasuki tahap finishing.
RZ sudah merampungkan pengeboran sumur, pengerjaan pengolahan limbah, pemasangan dan pengecatan dinding kamar mandi, pemasangan pintu, dan saat ini tim sedang melakukan pemasangan keramik.
“Alhamdulillah, berkat sinergi semua pihak, pengerjaan program water well ini dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar tanpa ada kendala berarti di lapangan. Semoga kami dapat menyelesaikan program ini secepatnya sehingga manfaatnya dapat segera dirasakan oleh masyarakat.” Ungkap Richie Robian, Project Monev RZ.
Newsroom/Richie Robian
CICALENGKA. Thursday (5/2), the construction of Water Well has entered its 3rd week. The Water Well provided for the residents of Leuwiliyang, Tanjungwangi Village, Cicalengka, is sponsored by MT Telkomsel.
3 weeks ago it was constructed under the supervision of RZ and it now enters the finishing session. “We have finished drilling the well, constructed the septic tank, installed and painted bathroom walls and doors, and now we are in tiling process,” Richie Robian, Project Monev of RZ, said.
He added that it could be established because of the great synergy among the stakeholder. “We expect that we could finish it as soon as possible,” Robian said. ***
Newsroom/Richie Robian