oleh | Oct 17, 2018 | Inspirasi

[:ID]Gangguan bipolar banyak bentuknya, terutama ditandai perubahan suasana hati yang ekstrem dan bergantian dengan depresi. Lebih dari 5,7 juta orang Amerika berjuang dengan penyakit ini.

Bipolar adalah penyakit mental yang bisa diobati, ditandai dengan perubahan suasana hati, energi, pikiran, dan perilaku ekstrem. Ada empat jenis bipolar, dimulai dari level pertama yang berlangsung selama tujuh hari dan episode depresif selama dua pekan.

Bipolar level kedua ditandai episode depresif dan hipomanik. Bipolar level tiga ditandai periode hipomanik dan depresi berlangsung minimal dua tahun. Bipolar level empat adalah gejala yang tidak termasuk dari tiga jenis lainnya.

Sebanyak 15 persen penderita bipolar menjalani hidupnya sendiri dan tidak menceritakannya pada orang lain. Jika Anda atau orang yang Anda cintai menunjukkan gejala bipolar, segera dapatkan bantuan profesional. Berikut tanda dan gejalanya, dilansir dari Men’s Health.


Salah satu kesulitan terbesar mendiagnosis bipolar adalah membedakannya dengan depresi. Penderita bipolar menghabiskan lebih dari setengah hingga sepertiga waktunya dalam kondisi tertekan, menurut Direktur Klinik Bipolar di Rumah Sakit Umum Massachussets, Andrew Alan Nierenberg. Mereka yang depresi 25 persen berisiko tinggi menunjukkan gejala bipolar di kemudian hari.


Selama periode hipomanik, seorang bipolar bisa sangat produktif dan kreatif, kata mantan Presiden International Society for Sports Psychiatri, Antonia Baum. Seluruh sistem mereka pulih, sehingga memicu energi dan ambisi tak terbatas. Penderita bipolar dalam masa ini bisa saja mengemudi kendaraan sangat cepat, sembrono, dan senang mencari sensasi.

Kurang tidur

Kurang tidur yang dimaksud bukan karena insomnia, namun memang penderita bipolar merasa tidak butuh tidur. Nierenberg mengatakan seseorang yang merasa tidak butuh tidur mungkin merasa baik secara fisik, namun itu mengganggu kestabilan suasana hati.

Jika Anda sudah didiagnosis bipolar, sangat penting menjaga jumlah jam dan kualitas tidur. Tidur yang baik selama enam hingga delapan jam.

Mencari sensasi

Perubahan fisiologis dalam sistem saraf penderita bipolar ke tahap hipomanik sering membuat mereka merasa hebat dan kepercayaan diri meningkat pesat. Oleh karenanya peneliti juga berspekulasi ada juga korelasi antara atlet olah raga ekstrem dengan gangguan bipolar.

Sebuah studi 2015 di Polandia menemukan pria dan wanita yang senang berolah raga ekstrem, seperti panjat tebing, pendaki gunung, dan snowboarding menunjukkan gejala bipolarotas lebih tinggi.

Alkohol dan obat-obatan

Sekitar 60 persen penderita bipolar bermasalah dengan obat-obatan. Mereka juga senang minum minuman beralkohol.

sumber : republika.co.id[:en]Bipolar disorder has many forms, especially marked by extreme mood changes and alternating depression. More than 5.7 million Americans struggle with this disease.

Bipolar is a treatable mental illness, characterized by changes in mood, energy, thoughts, and extreme behavior. There are four types of bipolar, starting from the first level which lasts for seven days and depressive episodes for two weeks.

The second level of bipolar is marked by depressive and hypomanic episodes. Bipolar level three is characterized by a hypomanic period and depression lasts a minimum of two years. Level 4 bipolar is a symptom that is not included in the other three types.

As many as 15 percent of bipolar sufferers live their own lives and do not tell others. If you or someone you love shows bipolar symptoms, get professional help immediately. The following signs and symptoms, reported by Men ‘s Health.


One of the biggest difficulties in diagnosing bipolar is to distinguish it from depression. Bipolar sufferers spend more than half to one third of their time in distress, according to the Director of the Bipolar Clinic at Massachusetts General Hospital, Andrew Alan Nierenberg. Those who are depressed 25 percent are at high risk of showing bipolar symptoms later on.


During the hypomanic period, a bipolar can be very productive and creative, said former President of the International Society for Sports Psychiatri, Antonia Baum. Their entire system is restored, triggering unlimited energy and ambition. Bipolar sufferers in this period can drive vehicles very fast, recklessly, and are happy to look for sensations.

Lack of sleep

Sleep deprivation is not due to insomnia, but indeed people with bipolar disorder feel that they don’t need sleep. Nierenberg said someone who feels no need to sleep may feel physically good, but that disrupts mood stability.

If you have been diagnosed with bipolar, it is very important to maintain the number of hours and quality of sleep. Sleep well for six to eight hours.

Look for sensations

The physiological changes in the nervous system of bipolar patients to the hypomanic stage often make them feel great and confidence increases rapidly. Therefore researchers also speculate there is also a correlation between extreme sports athletes and bipolar disorder.

A 2015 study in Poland found that men and women who enjoy extreme exercise, such as rock climbing, mountaineers, and snowboarding showed higher symptoms of bipolarotas.

Alcohol and drugs

About 60 percent of bipolar sufferers have problems with drugs. They also like to drink alcoholic beverages.

source: republika.co.id[:]

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