oleh | Nov 18, 2019 | News

[:ID]MAJALENGKA, Sabtu (16/11) – Desa Cimungkal merupakan desa yang berbatasan dengan desa Lemah Sugih kabupaten Majalengka. Desa ini terletak di kaki gunung Cakrabuana yang beberapa bulan terakhir ini mengalami kekeringan, masyarakat desa Cimungkal sangat membutuhkan air, untuk keperluan wudhu, memasak, dan mandi.

Menurut bapa RW 04 Air sebetulnya ada, namun debitnya kecil, sehingga tidak mampu mencukupi kebutuhan warga masyarakat Ciledug. Persediaan air yang ada sangat tidak mencukupi kebutuhan sehari-hari, kemarau panjang mengakibatkan debit air di mata air semakin hari semakin berkurang. Saat ini masyarakat mengambil air ke tempat tempat yang bisa dijangkau, bahkan ke lembah-lembah yang masih ada sumber mata air. Ada beberapa masyarakat rela mengantri untuk mendapatkan air dari lembah-lembah yang ada mata airnya.

Berkoordinasi dengan pemerintah setempat, Aparatur Desa, dan juga BPD Rumah Zakat Salurkan Bantuan Air Bersih Ke Desa Cimungkal. Dalam penyaluran air bersih tersebut, sekitar pukul 15.30 masyarakat berbondong-bondong membawa jerigen air, dan ember, untuk mengisi air.

Wawan Kuswendi selaku fasilitator Desa Berdaya membenarkan bahwa daerah Ciledug  khusus RW 04 desa Cimungkal begitu kesulitan mendapatkan air bersih, setiap hari ibu-ibu, banyak berlalu lalang ke mata air, yang ada di lembah Cimangi, dan situ untuk mengisi air dan bak. Meski sempat hujan berkali-kali juga, ternyata belum bisa mengalirkan air.

“Allhamdullillah menghaturkan terima kasih kepada Rumah Zakat yang telah membantu masyarakat Desa Cimungkal khususnya RW 04 Dusun Ciledug. Memang betul, bahwa debit air mulai turun, dikarenakan kemarau panjang.” ujar bapa wowos selaku ketua BPD.


Izzatul Yazid / Hanaa Afifah[:en]

MAJALENGKA, Saturday (11/16) – Cimungkal Village is a village bordering Lemah Sugih village, Majalengka Regency. This village is located at the foot of Mount Cakrabuana, which has been experiencing drought in the last few months, Cimungkal villagers are in dire need of water, for the needs of ablution, cooking, and bathing.

According to the Head of RW 04, water actually exists, but the debit is small, so it is unable to meet the needs of Ciledug community. The available water supply is very insufficient for daily needs, the long dry season results in diminished water discharge at the spring. At present, the people take their water from places that can be reached, even to valleys where there are still springs. There are some people who are willing to queue to get water from the valleys that have springs.

Coordinating with the local government, Village Apparatus, and also BPD Rumah Zakat Distributes Clean Water Assistance to Cimungkal Village. In the distribution of clean water, around 3:30 p.m. people flocked to carry jerry cans of water, and buckets, to fill their water.

Wawan Kuswendi as the facilitator of the Empowerment Village confirmed that the Ciledug area specifically RW 04 Cimungkal village are experiencing difficulty in obtaining clean water. Every day, several mothers, pass by to the springs, which are in the Cimangi valley, to fill water and tubs. Even though it rained many times too, apparently it could not provide enough water yet.

“Allhamdullillah, I give thanks to Rumah Zakat for helping the people of Cimungkal Village especially RW 04 Ciledug Hamlet. It’s true, that the flow of water began to fall, due to a long drought.” Said Mr. Wowos as chairman of BPD.


Izzatul Yazid / Hanaa Afifah[:]