oleh | Apr 4, 2018 | News

[:ID]BANJARMASIN – Untuk menambah semangat dan pembekalan menjadi seorang relawan, Relawan Rumah Zakat Banjarmasin menggelar Malam Bina Iman dan Takwa (Mabit) 2018 pada Sabtu dan Minggu, 31 Maret – 1 April akhir pekan tadi.

Bertempat di Aula SDIT Ukhuwah Banjarmasin, kegiatan Mabit diisi dengan beragam kegiatan seru dan bermanfaat untuk relawan. Acara lebih istimewa karna dibuka langsung oleh Walikota Banjarmasin, H Ibnu Sina.

Tak sekadar membuka acara, orang nomor satu di kota berjuluk Seribu Sungai ini memberikan motivasi dan semangat serta tips untuk menjadi seorang relawan.

“Saya bersyukur di kota Bajarmasin ini banyak sekali komunitas-komunitas relawan, ini membuktikan kalau kepedulian masyarkat kepada lingkungan sekitar sangat tinggi. Kami juga merasa terbantu dalam proses pembangunan kota, karena tanpa support relawan kami tidak akan bisa menjalankan program pembangunan,” ujarnya.

Walikota berpesan agar anggota Relawan Nusantara nantinya bisa menjaga semangat kerelawanan, dengan tetap berusaha istiqomah dan ikhlas dalam berbuat kebaikan tanpa harus berharap mendapat imblan.

“Junjung tinggi semangat kerja keras, kerja tuntas, kerja cerdas dan kerja ikhlas. Berharaplah balasan pahala dari Allah SWT,” pesannya.

Usai dibuka secara resmi oleh Walikota, acara dilanjutkan dengan materi tentang kerelawanan. Malam harinya kegiatan dilanjutkan kajian relawan yang diisi oleh Ustadz Ahmad, yang juga merupakan dosen UIN Antasari Banjarmasin.

Setelah kajian relawan acara dilanjutkan dengan malam keakraban. Relawan diajak saling bercerita tentang diri sendiri dan pengalaman lalu ditutup dengan tukar hadiah. Dini harinya diadakan salat malam bersama, tadarus dan salat subuh berjamaah. Minggu paginya, kegiatan dilanjutkan lagi dengan senam bersama, setelah itu ada games seru yang menguji kerjasama tim. Setelah itu Mabit ditutup dengan focus group discussions.

Acara Mabit ini adalah salah satu rangkaian dari proses Open Recruitmen untuk calon relawan baru sebelum dinyatakan siap untuk menjadi Relawan Rumah Zakat.

“Kami mengemas beberapa tahapan open recruitment dalam satu kegiatan. Semoga Mabit ini bisa mempererat ukhuwah antar Relawan,” ucap Misran Fauzi, Koordinator Relawan Banjarmasin.

“Acara ini sangat menyenangkan ditambah lagi dengan hadirnya Walikota Banjarmasin, kami bisa berjabat tangan dan berdiskusi dengan beliau. Ini menambah kebanggaan kami mengikuti acara Mabit,” ucap Angga salah satu Calon Relawan.

Izzatul Yazid / Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]BANJARMASIN . To increase enthusiasm and provision to become a volunteer, Rumah Zakat volunteer Banjarmasin held Religious Night  (Mabit) 2018 on Saturday and Sunday, March 31 – April 1 this weekend.

Located in the Auditorium of SDIT Ukhuwah Banjarmasin, Mabit activities are filled with various exciting and useful activities for volunteers. The event is more special because it was opened directly by the Mayor of Banjarmasin, H Ibn Sina.

Not just opening the event, the number one person in the city nicknamed the Thousand Rivers provides motivation and spirit and tips to become a volunteer.

“I am grateful that this city of Bajarmasin is a lot of volunteer communities, it proves that the community’s awareness to the surrounding environment is very high. We also feel helpful in the development process of the city, because without the support of volunteers we will not be able to run the development program, “he said.

Mayor advised that members of Volunteers will be able to maintain the spirit of volunteerism, by still trying to istiqomah (consistent) and sincere in doing good without having to expect to get a reward.

“Uphold the spirit of hard work, diligence, smart work and sincere work. Expect reward from Allah, ” his message to volunteers.

After officially opened by the Mayor, the event continued with material about volunteerism. In the evening the activity continued with the study of volunteers filled by Ustadz Ahmad, who is also a lecturer of UIN Antasari Banjarmasin.

After the volunteer review the event continued with night of intimacy. Volunteers are invited to tell each other about themselves and the experience is then closed with a gift exchange. Early morning prayers were held together, tadarus and dawn prayers in congregation. The next morning, the activity continued again with gymnastics together, after which there are exciting games that test teamwork. After that Mabit closed with focus group discussions.

This Mabit event is one of a series of Open Recruitmen process for new volunteer candidates before being declared ready to become Volunteer of Rumah Zakat.

“We packed several stages of open recruitment in one activity. Hopefully this Mabit can strengthen ukhuwah between Volunteers, “said Misran Fauzi, Volunteer Coordinator.

“This event is very fun plus with the presence of Mayor of Banjarmasin, we can shake hands and discuss with him. This adds to our pride following the Mabit event, “said Anga one of the Volunteer Candidates.

Izzatul Yazid / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]