oleh | Mar 5, 2019 | News

[:ID]TASIKMALAYA. (05/03) Pada zaman Rasulullah orang yang pertama kali menunaikan wakaf sumur adalah Utsman bin Affan. Kini banyak orang yang berlomba-lomba mengikuti jejak Utsman bin Affan, sebab balasannya pun sangat menarik yaitu surga di akhirat nanti.

Ahli waris dari alm. Bapak Abdul Ghani bin Satja Atmadja dan almh. Ibu Siti Aminah binti Djaja Disastra mengikuti jejak Utsman bin Affan dengan menunaikan wakaf sumur atas nama para almarhum.

Wakaf sumur ini direalisasikan di atas tanah wakaf Masjid Jamii Al Ikhlas Kp. Sawati Ds. Cipondok Kec. Sukaresik Kab. Tasikmalaya untuk 84 Kk yg beraktivitas ibadah di masjid tersebut. Sebab dua sumber air buatan yang warga miliki mengalami kekeringan selama 6 bulan terakhir.

Wakaf ini diterima langsung oleh Pak Uus selaku ketua Dusun
Desa Cipondok dan DKM Masjid Jami Al-Ikhlas.

DKM Masjid Jami Al-Ikhlas menyampaikan banyak terima kasih atas wakaf yang telah ditunaikan, berikut penuturannya.

“Saya selaku DKM Masjid Jami Al-Ikhlas mengucapkan
Alhamdulillah wasyukurillah, terima kasih kepada keluarga alm. Bapak Abdul Ghani bin Satja Atmadja dan almh. Ibu Siti Aminah binti Djaja Disastra yang telah menunaikan wakaf sumur bor dan terima kasih juga kepada Rumah zakat yang telah memfasilitasi bantuan wakaf sumur bor ini” Tutur Tatang, Kepala DKM Masjid Al-Ikhlas

Arif Nurcholis/ Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]TASIKMALAYA. (05/03) At the time of the Prophet the person who first performed the waqf well was Uthman ibn Affan. Now many people are competing to follow  Uthman ibn Affan, because the reward is very interesting, namely heaven in the hereafter.

Heirs from the late Mr. Abdul Ghani bin Satja Atmadja and almh. Mrs. Siti Aminah bint Djaja Disastra followed Uthman ibn Affan by carrying out waqf wells on behalf of the deceased.

This well waqf was realized on the waqf land of Masjid Jamii Al Ikhlas Kp. Sawati Ds. Cipondok Kec. Sukaresik Kab. Tasikmalaya for 84 Kk who worshiped in the mosque because two artificial water sources that residents have experienced drought for the past 6 months.

This waqf was received directly by Mr. Uus as the head of Cipondok Village and DKM Masjid  Jami Al-Ikhlas.

DKM Masjid Jami Al-Ikhlas conveyed many thanks for the endowments that have been fulfilled, along with their accounts.

“I as the DKM of the Jami Al-Ikhlas Mosque thank you, thank you to your family. Mr. Abdul Ghani bin Satja Atmadja and almh. Mrs. Siti Aminah binti Djaja Disastra who has completed waqf wells and thanks also to Rumah Zakat which has facilitated the assistance of this well waqf,” said Tatang, Head of the DKM Masjid Al-Ikhlas


Arif Nurcholis / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]