[:ID]INDONESIA – Di penghujung Bulan Oktober 2019 pembangunan sumber air sudah selesai di 18 titik desa bagi warga terdampak kekeringan di seluruh Indonesia. Insya Allah dalam beberapa pekan ke depan penyediaan sumber air di desa-desa lainnya akan segera rampung.
Dilansir dari keterangan BMKG, musim kemarau masih akan terjadi hingga Bulan November 2019. Saat ini curah hujan masih sangat kecil dan belum merata. Bahkan beberapa daerah belum turun hujan selama hampir tiga hingga lima bulan.
Melalui program Nusantara Darurat Kekeringan, Rumah Zakat berkomitmen untuk berperan aktif memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dalam bentuk wakaf sumber air. Ke depannya diharapkan bantuan ini dapat menyediakan sumber air bersih dalam jangka panjang.
“Terima kasih Sahabat atas donasi yang telah dititipkan kepada kami. Semoga proses pembangunan di desa lainnya berjalan lancar dan bisa selesai tepat pada waktunya. Kiranya Allah membalas kebaikan Sahabat di dunia sebanyak air yang ada di bumi ini dan menjadi amal kebaikan sampai akhirat.” Ujar Suri Rahma selaku Admin Wakaf Rumah Zakat Pusat.
Suri Rahma / Hanaa Afifah[:en]
INDONESIA – At the end of October 2019, water source development has been completed in 18 village points for residents affected by drought throughout Indonesia. Insha Allah, in the next few weeks the supply of water sources in other villages will soon be completed.
Reported from Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Council (BMKG), the dry season will continue until November 2019. At present, the rainfall is still very small and not evenly distributed. Even some areas have not rained for nearly three to five months.
Through the Archipelago Drought Emergency program, Rumah Zakat is committed to playing an active role in meeting the needs of the community in the form of waqf water sources. In the future, this assistance is expected to be able to provide a source of clean water in the long run.
“Thank you, friends, for donations that have been entrusted to us. Hopefully, the development process in other villages will run smoothly and be completed on time. May Allah reciprocate Friends in the world as much water as there is in this earth and become good deeds until the hereafter.” Said Suri Rahma as Admin of Waqf Center Rumah Zakat.
Suri Rahma / Hanaa Afifah[:]