[:ID]PROBOLINGGO. (09/06) Fasilitator Desa Berdaya Rumah Zakat menyalurkan paket Syiar Quran berupa 17 Iqro dan 17 Al-Quran di TPQ Al Muntashor, Desa Sepuh Gembol Wonomerto. Jarak tempuh 40 km ke lokasi tidak mengahalangi Fuad Saifullah selaku Fasilitator Desa Berdaya untuk mengantarkan Paket Syiar Quran ke lokasi.
Sampai dilokasi terlihat wajah wajah ceria santri TPQ Al Muntashor menyambut kedatangan Fasilitator. Diawali silaturahim ke Ustad pengajar di TPQ tersebut, dilanjutkan pembagian Al Quran dan Iqro’.
Saat Al Quran dan Iqro’ dibagikan mereka terlihat senang. Laili dan teman temannya membuka Al Quran dan mereka senang karena ada terjemah di setiap ayatnya. “Sudah punya wudhu?” tanya Fasilitator. “sudah Ustadz,” jawab mereka serempak.
Ustadz Fatta, pengfajar di TPQ Al Muntashor sangat berterima kasih atas penyaluran Syiar Quran tersebut.
“Terimakasih atas paket Al Quran dan Iqro’. Al Qurannya bagus dan ada terjemahannya mereka senang. Dan ada keterangan hukum bacaannya. Semoga menjadi amal jariyah bagi penyumbangnya,” tuturnya.
Setelah shalat ashar, ada kegiatan tadarus di TPQ ini dan Quran yang diberikan Rumah Zakat langsung dipakai.
“Bagus pak Al Qurannya, senang bacanya,” ungkap Rian, salah satu santri menyampaikan rasa bahagianya.
Kuna / Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]PROBOLINGGO. (09/06) Facilitator of Rumah Zakat Empowered village distributes of 17 Iqro and 17 Syiar Quran of TPQ Al Muntashor, Sepuh Gembol Wonomerto Village. 40 km distance to the location does not stop Fuad Saifullah as Facilitator to deliver Syiar Quran Shit Packages to the location.
Arriving at the location cheerfully students of TPQ Al Muntashor welcomed the Facilitator. The activity began with meeting to Ustad teachers in the TPQ, followed by the distribution of Al Quran and Iqro ‘.
When Al Quran and Iqro ‘are shared they look happy. Laili and her friends open the Quran and they are happy because there is a translation in each verse. “Do you have wudu?” asked the Facilitator. “Yes Ustadz,” they replied in unison.
Ustadz Fatta, lecturer at TPQ Al Muntashor is very grateful for the distribution of Syiar Quran.
“Thank you for the package of Al Quran and Iqro ‘. The Quran is good and there are translations they are happy. And there is a legal statement reading. Hopefully become jariyah charity for donaors,” he said.
After the ashar prayer, there is activity tadarus in this TPQ and Quran given Rumah Zakat directly used.
“The Quran is beautiful, happy to read this Quran,” said Rian, one of the santri convey his sense of happiness.
Kuna / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]