[:ID]YOGYAKARTA. Sabtu (22/07) Usai libur lebaran, Care Giver Training kembali diadakan di wilayah binaan Karet, Kecamatan Pleret, Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta. Kegiatan pelatihan guna meningkatkan pengetahuan seputar perawatan lansia ini dihadiri oleh 13 orang Care Giver.
“Kegiatan ini belum masuk ke materi, jadi tadi kita hanya bersilaturahmi dan halal bihalal saja sebagai pendahuluan. Setelah itu kita lanjut dengan review materi-materi apa saja yang sebelumnya telah disampaikan,” tutur Public Health Cita Sehat Yogyakarta, Afrezah.
Selain review materi, Afrezah juga mengatakan bahwa pertemuan kali ini digunakan untuk bertukar cerita dalam merawat lansia.
“Bahkan ada salah satu Care Giver yang bercerita bahwa setelah ia mendapatkan materi pelatihan dan mempraktikkannya, suaminya yang telah berusia lanjut menjadi lebih sehat bahkan dapat kembali bersepeda karena dimotivasi terus menerus,” tambahnya.
Afrezah berharap, kedepannya program yang menunjang kesejahteraan lansia gagasan Rumah Zakat dan Cita sehat ini dapat lebih beragam lagi dari segi materi dan semakin bermanfaat bagi banyak orang terutama yang memiliki kerabat lansia.
Yogyakarta[:en]YOGYAKARTA. Saturday (22/07) After the Lebaran holiday, Care Giver Training was held in Karet sub-district, Pleret Sub-district, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta. Training activities to improve knowledge about this elderly care was attended by 13 people Care Giver.
“This activity has not entered into the material, so we just stay in touch and halal bi halal just as an introduction. After that we continue with a review of what materials have been previously submitted, “said Public Health of Cita Sehat Yogyakarta, Afrezah. In addition to the review of the material, Afrezah also said that this meeting is used to exchange stories in caring for the elderly.
“There was even one of Care Giver who told me that after she got the training materials and put her into practice, her elderly husband became healthier and was able to get back on the bike for being motivated continuously,” he added.
Afrezah hope, future programs that support the welfare of elderly ideas Rumah Zakat and Cita Sehat can be more diverse in terms of material and more useful for many people, especially those who have elderly relatives.
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