oleh | Jun 10, 2015 | Inspirasi

Umat muslim selalu menyiapkan segala sesuatunya dalam menyambut bulan suci Ramadhan. Harapannya, ibadah dan puasa yang dilakukan dapat berjalan lancar tanpa keluhan apapun.

Dilansir dari, berikut ini beberapa hal yang perlu Anda perhatikan untuk kesehatan tubuh sebelum menjalankan ibadah bulan Ramadhan.

Pertama, lakukan puasa sunnah, sehingga ketika Anda berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan, tubuh Anda sudah tidak lemas untuk awal puasa. Dengan berpuasa di bulan sya’ban, selain sunnah, ini juga akan membuat tubuh Anda terbiasa beradaptasi dengan perubahan pola makan.

Kedua, untuk yang menderita diabetes dan terbiasa mengkonsumsi obat, mulailah dengan biasa mengkonsumsi obat satu hari hanya dua kali. Sehingga pada bulan Ramadhan, hanya pergeseran waktu mengkonsumsi obat saja yang berubah, yaitu pada sahur dan buka puasa.

Ketiga, datangnya bulan Ramadhan bukan berarti mengurangi aktifitas Anda, karena anda takut merasa capek dan lelah karena cuaca panas dan sedang puasa. Justru yang anda lakuakan adalah mendengarkan sinyal tubuh anda dan percayakan tubuh anda mampu memnghadapi apapun. Jadi, puasa bukan menjadi alasan untuk anda malas beraktivitas.

Keempat, tidak perlu mengurangi porsi makanan sebelum datang bulan Ramadahan. Yang pelu Anda lakukan adalah menjaga kualitas makanan agar nutrisi, vitamin, dan serat di dalam tubuh tetap terpenuhi.

Kelima, untuk menghindari dehidrasi saat berpuasa, maka saat sahur usahakan minum air mineral sebanyak delapan gelas. Kemudian hindari minuman manis dan bersoda, serta makanan-makanan manis saat sahur.

During Ramadan, Muslims change their eating habits dramatically. Nutritionist Charlotte Debeugny provides her recommendations to religious fasters looking to make the most out of this festive time of year.

Suhoor and Iftar, the two daily meals during Ramadan, are taken before dawn and after dusk, respectively. Suhoor is crucial, as it is the faster’s last meal before facing the day. So it is important to make sure this pre-dawn meal contains protein (found in eggs, cheese, yoghurt, nuts, etc.) and fibre (fruit, vegetables, whole grains, etc.), both of which help stave off hunger over a long period.

Avoid overeating after sundown

After a day of deprivation, there is a strong temptation to overindulge at Iftar. To curb the pangs of hunger before reaching for calorie-rich foods, try having a bowl of cold soup or a healthy salad. The evening meal should also include protein, whole grains and vegetables.

Especially during Ramadan, it is important to avoid empty calories and junk food, to eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables per day, and to ensure that each meal includes healthy portions of protein and dairy products.

Eat almonds and dates instead of rich desserts

While Ramadan is a festive time of year, it has the potential to negatively impact one’s health. Eating at night rather than during the day affects the body’s metabolism, thus increasing the risk of weight gain. Fasting can also lead to cravings for foods that are high in sugar and fat, which can also impact your waistline. Charlotte Debeugny recommends eating a few dates or almonds instead of the extremely calorie-rich pastries served during Ramadan, such as baklava or halva.

Avoid the sun and stay hydrated

To stay in shape during a fast, it is also advisable to stay out of the sun, spend most of the day in cool places and avoid strenuous exercise. Eating fruit before sunrise is a good idea, as the water it contains helps to hydrate the body during the day. Be careful not to drink too much water at once. Coffee and tea are to be avoided, as they can actually lead to increased thirst and dehydration. For additional energy, try drinking smoothies or fruit juice diluted with water.

Adapt fasting to your physical condition

Before starting a fast, it is necessary to talk to a doctor, particularly for seniors, diabetics taking medication to control their insulin levels, pregnant women and pre-adolescent children. Those with compromised health who still wish to fast for Ramadan should consult their doctor to develop a fasting plan adapted to their condition. At the first symptom of failing health, it is important to stop fasting.
