[:ID]PONOROGO. Kondisi terbaru dari longsor Ponorogo, Rabu (05/04) pukul 19.30, kini tim relawan Rumah Zakat menurunkan 27 orang relawan untuk melanjutkan proses evakuasi. Selain itu, Rumah Zakat melalui dapur umumnya memberikan sebanyak 6.000 bungkus nasi kepada para korban.
Selain memberikan bantuan makanan, Rumah Zakat pun menyalurkan beberapa bantuan lainnya, seperti baju layak pakai, peralatan evakuasi hingga bantuan logistik dan sembako. Sampai saat ini bantuan yang sudah disalurkan berupa kornet superqurban sebanyak 120 kaleng, beras 12 kg, hygient kits 40 paket, PLP 6 kardus, pembalut 10 paket, pampers 3 paket, gula 5 paket, minyak goring 20 liter, PMT 40 paket, kecap, obat-obatan dan buah-buahan.
Untuk kerapihan administrasi, tim relawanpun melakukan pendataan kepada semua pengungsi yang ada di posko tersebut. Hal tersebut bertujuan agar memudahkan masyarakat untuk mencari anggota keluarganya yang masih belum ditemukan.
Newsroom/Dian Ekawati
Ponorogo[:en]PONOROGO. The latest condition of the landslide in Ponorogo, Wednesday (04/05) at 07.30, for the latest action, Rumah Zakat deployed a team consist of 27 volunteers to continue the evacuation process. Moreover, Rumah Zakat through the public kitchen provides up to 6,000 packs of rice for the victims.
In addition to providing food aid, Rumah Zakat is channeling some other assistance, such as decent clothes to wear, and evacuation equipment to support of logistics and groceries. Until now the aid already disbursed in the form 120 cans of superqurban corned meat, 12 kg of rice, 40 packages hygiene kits, 6 cardboard clothes, 10 packages of napkins, 3 packets of pampers, 5 packets of sugar, 20 liters of cooking oil, 40 packets of supplementary food, ketchup, medicines and fruits.
For administrative tidiness, the volunteer team collected data of all the refugees in these posts. It aims to facilitate the public to look for family members who are still unaccounted for.
Newsroom/Dian Ekawati