oleh | Okt 26, 2018 | News

[:ID]PALU. Tim Psikososial Rumah Zakat sampai hari Kamis (25/10) masih berada di Palu untuk melakukan pelayanan psikososial untuk para korban gempa terutama anak – anak. Kamis pagi Tim bergegas menuju TK AL-IQRO yang berada di Jl. Umarsarif 1. Disana sudah dinanti oleh anak-anak yang sedang belajar berhitung bersama guru-gurunya didampingi oleh orang tuanya.

“Jumlah siswa yg tercatat 64 Yang sudah siap ikut belajar 13 anak, ucap bu hindun selaku ketua yayasan. “Gesung kami rubuh rata dengan tanah mas” tambahnya.

Setelah selesai mengisi kegiatan psikososial pada pukul 11.30 WITA, Tim diajak untuk melihat secara langsung lokasi gedung rusak ternyata sungguh mengenaskan tidak ada bangunan yang tersisa, hanya kantor itu pun sudah tidak layak pakai karena miring dan retak temboknya.

Pada sore harinya tim psikososial melanjutkan perjalanan ke pengungsian di balaroa yang merupakan daerah yang terkena dampak likuifaksi, dengan ceria 47 anak bermain bersama tim psikososial Rumah Zakat.

“Pada umumnya kondisi anak-anak sudah biasa seperti sebelum gempa, karena sangat riang banget ketika diajak bermain, ketika kita datang mereka juga sudah bermain biasa, namun untuk pergi kesekolah mereka masih ada rasa takut, sehingga masih sedikit anak-anak yang datang ke sekolah menurut gurunya memang mereka ada yang mengungsi ke luar pulau” ujar Wawan, salah satau Tim Psikososial Rumah Zakat.

Meli Latifah / Lailatul Istkhomah[:en]PALU. Rumah Zakat Psychosocial Team until Thursday (25/10) were still in Palu to conduct psychosocial services for earthquake victims, especially children. Thursday morning the Team rushed to the AL-IQRO Kindergarten on Jl. Umarsarif 1. There have been anticipated by children who are learning to count with their teachers accompanied by their parents.

“The number of students recorded 64, but only 13 children come to school,” said Bu Hindun as chairman of the foundation.” Our school collapsed on the ground mas, “she added.

After completing the psychosocial activity at 11:30 WITA, the Team was invited to see directly the location of the damaged building. It was really sad that there were no buildings left, only that the office was already unfit for use because of its sloping and cracked walls.

In the afternoon the psychosocial team continued their journey to refugee camps in Balaroa, which were affected by liquefaction, 47 children playing together with the psychosocial team of Rumah Zakat.

“In general, the condition of children is normal as before the earthquake, they are very cheerful when invited to play, when we come they also have played normally, but to go to school they still have fear, so there are still few children who come to school. According to the teacher, there were indeed those who took refuge outside Palu, “said Wawan, one of the Psychosocial Team of Rumah Zakat .



Meli Latifah / Lailatul Istkhomah[:]