[:ID]SIGI. (21/08), Ini merupakan malam kedua Tim Medis Rumah Zakat berada di Permukiman Masyarakat di daerah pegununganan di Kecamatan Kulawi , Kab. Sigi setelah melakukan pelayanan siaga sehat untuk masyarakat. kemarin terdapat 9 orang tim medis yang masih terdampar di lokasi tanpa perbekalan logistik yang matang, termasuk pakaian ganti.
Selama 2 hari tim bertahan dengan logistik seadanya. Logistik makanan menipis, sementara di lokasi keberadaan warung dan toko masih sangat terbatas.
Pada pukul 19.41 WITA tim relawan menuju Kapolsek Kec. Kulawi untuk mendapatkan info logistik. Dengan berbaik hati dan sigap Relawan Rumah Zakat di layani dan disediakan makanan oleh Polsek Kec.Klawi.
” Kalian semua bisa makan disini saja, tapi maaf mungkin seadanya saja , kondisinya logistik di sini menipis karena jalur tertutup longsor.. Disini kami ada mie dan nasi, akan kami sediakan ” ucap salah satu polisi di sana.
Di tengah keterbatasan tetap saling menguatkan. Saling membantu ketika dalam kesulitan. Senyum dan syukur bahagia terpancar dari tim relawan medis Rumah Zakat.
“Kami mengucapkan terimakasih banyak kepada Kapolsek Kec. Kulawi atas support yang telah diberikan,” ujar Hesti, Relawan Rumah Zakat.
Hari Sabtu, (20/10), 13 tim medis dan logistik Rumah Zakat berhasil menembus daerah Kolawi, kab.Sigi. Daerah yang terisolir karena jalan menuju lokasi banyak tertimbun longsoran. Seharian berbagi tugas, 11 orang diantaranya melayani warga desa, 2 orang mendampingi pasien yang dirujuk menuju rumah sakit di kota. 2 orang yang mendampingi sudah aman berada di kota Palu.
Namun, 11 orang lainnya harus tertahan. Saat tim bersiap kembali, hujan besar dan longsor terjadi. Jalur kembali tak bisa dilewati. Tak ada pilihan, malam tadi (201/10) tim harus menginap di rumah warga, dengan perbekalan seadanya.
Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]SIGI (08/21), This is the second night of Rumah Zakat Medical Team in the Community Settlement in the mountainous area in Kulawi District, Kab. Sigi after doing a healthy standby service for the community. Yesterday there were 9 medical teams who were still stranded at locations without logistical supplies, including clothes. For 2 days the team survived with makeshift logistics. Shortage Food logistics while at the location of the stalls and shops is still very limited.
At 19.41 WITA the volunteer team headed to the district police chief. Kulawi to get logistical info. With kindness and alacrity Rumah Zakat were served and provided food by the Klawi Sub-district Police.
“All of you can eat here, but sorry maybe it’s sober, the logistics here is thinning because the path is covered by landslides. Here we have noodles and rice, we will provide it,” said one of the policemen there.
In the midst of limitations remain mutually reinforcing. Help each other when in trouble. Smiles and gratitude happily emanated from the Rumah Zakat medical volunteer team.
“We would like to thank a lot of the Kulawi District Police Chief for the support that has been given,” said Hesti, Rumah Zakat Volunteer.
On Saturday (10/20), 13 medical and logistical teams at Rumah Zakat managed to penetrate the Kolawi area, regency. The area is isolated because the road to the location is heavily buried by landslides. All day sharing assignments, 11 of them served villagers, 2 people accompanied patients who were referred to hospitals in the city. 2 people accompanying them are safe in Palu.
However, 11 other people must be restrained. When the team prepares again, heavy rain and landslides occur. The return path cannot be passed. There was no choice, tonight (201/10) the team had to stay at the residents’ house, with makeshift supplies.
Lailatul Istikhomah[:]