oleh | Jun 5, 2015 | Inspirasi

Menggunakan produk perawatan yang mengandung bahan alami lebih baik ketimbang yang sepenuhnya berisi bahan kimia. Selain bisa meminimalisir penggunaan kimia, Anda juga terhindar dari dampak negatifnya. berikut beberapa contohnya:

Jojoba yang dibaca “ho-ho-ba” merupakan cairan lilin berwarna emas yang diekstrak dari biji dari tanaman jojoba. Minyak jojoba ini juga dikenal sebagai salah satu minyak favorit para pecinta minyak esensial. Minyak jojoba tidak menyumbat pori-pori dan ini sangat cocok dengan minyak alami (sebum) di kulit manusia. Minyak ini cocok untuk setiap jenis kulit. Minyak jojoba dapat digunakan untuk perawatan kutikula, serum anti-aging, pelembab wajah, perawatan rambut, menghapus make up, lotion tubuh, serum rambut dan mencukur rambut.

Minyak ikan
Dikutip dari Allwomenstalk, diet memainkan peran penting dalam kondisi kulit, tidak hanya memerangi keriput tapi juga mampu mengatasi jerawat, eksim dan psorias. Temukan asam lemak omega-3 baru Anda didalam makanan laut terutama tuna dan salmon. Bisa juga temukan dalam kacang kenari, minyak canola dan biji rami. Makanan ini kaya dalam asam lemak yang bertanggung jawab untuk kesehatan dari membran selnya. Membran mempengaruhi kemampuan sel untuk menahan air, melembabkan, melembutkan dan mengatasi keriput.

Minyak ikan juga memberikan makanan penting untuk folikel rambut yang mampu meningkatkan kualitas dan kepadatan rambut. Juga mampu mengurangi kerontokan rambut. Bahkan minyak ikan juga mampu mengembalikan keseimbangan siklus rambut secara keseluruhan.

Dibuat dengan cara kimiawi, lebah mengumpulkan madu, serbuk sari dan resin dari bunga. Madu dapat membantu melembabkan, mengurangi penuaan, dan melawan bakteri. Madu ini penuh dengan nutrisi, antioksidan, senyawa dan bermanfaat untuk penyembuhan.

Jika Anda alergi, gunakan madu organik dari lebah lokal yang ada di lingkungan Anda atau di pasar petani lokal, juga toko makanan organik. Madu ini berisi sedikit serbuk sari yang bila terkena tubuh dapat memicu sistem kekebalan tubuh yang menghasilkan antibodi terhadap serbuk sari. Setelah paparan berulang tubuh menjadi terbiasa dengan kehadiran mereka. Ini bisa mengurangi histamin yang dilepaskan yang mengakibatkan respon alergi yang lebih rendah dan Anda akan lebih bahagia.

Sumber: republika.co.id

There’s a saying that says our nails, hair, and skin often tell us how healthy we are, and are signs of how healthy our diet is. Foods that inflame our cells and cause a breakdown end up tearing apart the collagen, keratin and elastin that provide supple skin, strong and silky hair, and strong, fast-growing nails. Toxic overload, stress, and poor diet all contribute to lackluster skin, dry and brittle hair, and brittle nails that never seem to grow.
One of the neatest things about eating a healthy diet is your nails, hair and skin are often the first things to change for the better when your diet improves. A plant-based diet provides all the nutrients your nails, hair and skin need to look their best. Some foods, however, do contain more nutritional properties that support their growth and overall health than others do. Here are five of the best to offer up some of the most overall nutritional components to provide amazing nails, hair and skin quickly.

Raw Organic Almonds

Almonds are rich in Vitamin E, a natural antioxidant that supports collagen production and provides anti-inflammatory benefits for the body. Almonds also contain a large amount of plant-based protein, rich in amino acids that are needed to support collagen growth and strengthen the body. Almonds are also a great source of calcium, which provides nutritional support for our bones, hair, skin, teeth, and nails.

They’re also alkaline-forming when consumed raw, compared to acidic nuts like cashews and peanuts (technically legumes.) Alkaline foods support detoxification and healthy pH levels, which prevent inflammation, acidity, and poor health. Lastly, almonds are rich in the B vitamin biotin, which is needed to strengthen the nails and hair. It is the main vitamin found in most nail, hair and skin vitamins.


Your body soaks up the nutrients from green foods like a magical nutritional sponge! Vitamins A, C, E, K, and even B vitamins and iron are all provided to your body when you eat leafy greens. Green foods such as spinach, broccoli, kale, watercress, and collards also contain a good amount of calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Minerals are crucial to the health of your nails, hair and skin. They’re also water-rich so they won’t dehydrate your body and they provide an alkaline environment to clear out toxins in the body. Spirulina, a dark green seaweed is also a fantastic source of biotin, protein, iron, and Vitamin B12 that will support your nails, hair and skin even further.

Orange Root Veggies

Sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, and winter squash all contain high amounts of Vitamin A which support your nails, hair and skin as well. These foods are also rich in Vitamin C, an anti-oxidant that lower stress which can weaken collagen, elastin and keratin in the body. Vitamin C also acts as an antioxidant to combat free radical production that can lead to aging. When cooking these foods, always steam, bake, or cook in a slow cooker instead of frying them. This will enhance their antioxidant content without overcooking them. If you’d like to eat them raw, by all means, please do. Try Roasted Veggies With Buttery Garlic and Spinach Salad, Sweet Potato Salad (raw), Curried Carrots With Pistachios, Warming Carrot Ginger Soup, Stuffed Sage Carnvial Squash, Apple Butternut Squash Soup, Gluten-Free, No Sugar Added Pumpkin Pie, and Pumpkin Ginger Noodle Soup.

Source: http://www.onegreenplanet.org/natural-health/everyday-superfoods-for-your-nails-hair-and-skin/