HILIR(18/12). Relawan Rumah Zakat langsung turun untuk melakukan Aksi peduli bencana di Dusun sebukit rama desa pasir Mempawah Hilir, Kalimantan barat terdampak banjir setinggi paha orang dewasa.
Relawan Membawa Sembako, 70 paket sembako berisi 1 karung beras 5kg, 1liter minyak goreng, 1 renteng susu cair, 1 bungkus roti , 1 bungkus perlengkapan wanita dan bayi, 5 cemilan dan 3 kaleng Superqurban.
“Aktifitas warga lumpuh terutama petani, air naik hingga masuk ke rumah warga. sehingga team relawan turun dengan menggunakan sampan warga untuk masuk ke beberapa rumah warga,” ujar Sunardi, Relawan Rumah Zakat.
Ada 900 KK yang terdampak banjir di Mempawah, kedua dusun ini terletak di penghujung jalan desa Pasir yang merupakan tempat yang paling rendah sehingga kedua desa termasuk Daerah rentan banjir. Dari 900 kk yang terdampak banjir, terdapat 70 kk yang terdampak parah, Hingga dini hari air masih tergenang didalam rumah.
Untuk menyikapi genangan air didalam rumah, hampir seluruh masyarakat desa pasir yang terdampak parah membuat panggung didalam rumah sehingga warga dapat beristirahat dan berkumpul bersama keluarga.
Tidak ada korban jiwa dan tidak ada masyarakat yang mengungsi diluar desa.Dampak yang merugikan warga dari bencana banjir ini ialah Aktifitas kepala keluarga lumpuh terutama petani dan peternak. Nenek sabaria 70 thn Menuturkan bahwa banjir didesa nya merupakan banjir kiriman setiap tahun dari arah hulu dan ditambah hujan deras, selama 3 minggu terakhir nenek Sabaria dan keluarga tinggal di panggung rumah nya.
“Terima kasih kepada para Donatur, rumah zakat dan kepada para relawan atas bantuan dan kepeduliannya” ujar Nenek sabaria.
Adapun kebutuhan mendesak saat ini adalah Sembako seperti Beras Minyak Gula dan Roti, Perlengkapan Bayi Pampers, Minyak Telon, Perlengkapan Wanita, Pembalut.
Silvia Zakiah Itsnaini[:en]MEMPAWAH HILIR – WEST KALIMANTAN (18/12). Rumah Zakat volunteers went straight down to do the disaster care action in Dusun Dusun sebukit rama desa pasir Mempawah Hilir West Kalimantan, which was submerged by flood.
Volunteers Bring Food Packages, 70 packages of basic necessities each containing 1 sack of 5kg rice, 1 liter of cooking oil, 1 mixture of liquid milk, 1 packet of bread, 1 packet of supplies for women and babies, 5 snacks and 3 cans of Superqurban.
“The activities of the residents were paralyzed, especially farmers, the water rose to enter the homes of the residents. So the volunteer team went down by using the canoe to enter several houses,” said Sunardi, Rumah Zakat Volunteer.
There are 900 families affected by floods in Mempawah, the two hamlets are located at the end of the Pasir village road which is the lowest place so that the two villages, including flood-prone Areas. Of the 900 families affected by the flood, there were 70 families that were severely affected, until the early hours of the morning the water was still flooded inside the house.
To respond to the puddle of water in the house, almost all the people of pasir village who were severely affected made the stage inside the house so that residents could rest and gather with their families.
There were no casualties and no people were displaced outside the village. The impact that harmed the residents from the floods was the activity of paralyzed family heads, especially farmers and ranchers. Sabari’s 70-year-old grandmother said that the flood in her village was a flood of shipments every year from upstream and added by heavy rain, for the past 3 weeks Granma Sabaria and family lived on her house stage.
“Thank you to donators, Rumah Zakat and volunteers for the help and care,” said Grandma Sabaria.
The urgent needs at this time are basic necessities such as Sugar Oil and Bread, Baby Pampers Equipment, Baby Oil, Women’s Supplies, and Bandages.
Silvia Zakiah Itsnaini[:]