oleh | Jan 21, 2020 | Bencana dan Kemanusiaan ID, News

[:ID]BANDUNG (20/01) – 20 hari paska bencana, tanggap darurat di Lebak, Banten diperpanjang s.d 28 Januari 2020. Hingga 18 Januari 2019 tercatat 1.720 Orang Mengungsi, 8 Orang Meninggal Dunia, 1.931 Rumah Rusak, 19 Sekolah Rusak Berat, 27 Kantor Pemda Rusak dan 28 Jembatan Rusak.

Hingga hari ini dampak bencana masih dirasakan warga, oleh karena itu Tim Relawan Rumah Zakat Action masih berada di Lokasi becana salah satunya di kampung Bolang, Desa Bungur Mekar, kecamatan Sajira kabupaten Lebak. Kondisi di kampung ini cukup memprihatinkan, satu – satunya akses jebatan warga putus sehingga perahu karet menjadi sarana darurat untuk menyeberangi sungai dengan kedalaman 15 s.d 20 meter, relawan yang mendistribusian bantuan ke kampung ini juga harus menyebrangi sungai dengan perahu karet yang dioperasikan oleh warga.

Kondisi lain di pemukiman warga terlihat bekas-bekas material rumah yang hanyut terbawa banjir saat itu, ada juga rumah warga yang kokoh berdiri namun masih dipenuhi lumpur karena terendam, tak hanya itu hamparan sawah yang dulunya berisi padi sekarang hanya terlihat hamparan lumpur, terlihat ada warga yang masih bisa menyelamatkan padinya untuk bisa dijemur dan berharap masih bisa dikonsumsi.

“Di siang hari warga pulang ke rumah untuk bersih-bersih malam hari kembali ke pos pengungsian karena listrik belum nyala, Disini juga warga masih kesulitan air bersih karena sumber air masih tercemar lumpur” Ujar Herlan Wilandariyansyah, Koordinator Relawan Rumah Zakat Action.

Jika melihat kondisi ini warga terdampak bencana di lebak, Banten masih memerlukan bantuan, terutama bantuan untuk membersihkan sisa-sisa lumpur, Alat kebersihan,Layanan Medis, Obat-obatan, air bersih, membangun kembali jembatan, serta sembako karena aktivitas perekonomian belum pulih.

Adapun sejak hari pertama kejadian bencana Rumah Zakat Action telah menerjunkan 24 orang relawan, menerjunkan 2 unit mmbulans dan 2 unit mobil operasional, melakukan pelayanan medis, distribusi paket sembako, dan melakukan layanan psikososial bagi anak-anak.

“Rumah Zakat Action akan terus melakukan Aksi lanjutan pasca bencana seperti membangun jembatan, memperbaiki sekolah, dan membantu masyarakat mengaktifkan kembali perekonomian agar masyarakat kembali berdaya” tambah Herlan.


Lailatul Istikhomah / Hanaa Afifah[:en]

BANDUNG (20/01) – 20 days after the disaster, the emergency response in Lebak, Banten was extended to January 28, 2020. Until January 18, 2019 there were 1,720 people displaced, 8 people died, 1,931 houses were damaged, 19 schools were seriously damaged, 27 local government offices damaged and 28 damaged Bridges.

Until today the impact of the disaster is still being felt by residents, therefore the Team of Rumah Zakat Action Volunteers are still located in one of the disaster locations in the village of Bolang, Bungur Mekar Village, Sajira Sub-district, Lebak Regency. The condition in this village is quite alarming, the only access to the residents was the bridge which has broken, therefore the rubber boat becomes an emergency means to cross the river with a depth of 15 to 20 meters, volunteers who distribute aid to this village must also cross the river with rubber boats operated by residents.

Another condition in the residential area traces of material can be seen washed away by the flood at that time, there is also a resident’s house that stands firm but is still filled with mud because it is submerged, not only is the paddy field that used to contain rice now looks only a stretch of mud, there are residents who can still save the rice to be dried in the sun and hope it can still be consumed.

“During the day the residents return home to clean and at night they go back to the refuge post because electricity is not yet on, residents also still have trouble getting clean water because the water source is still contaminated with mud,” Said Herlan Wilandariyansyah, Rumah Zakat Action Volunteer Coordinator.

If seeing this condition, the people affected by the disaster in Lebak, Banten still need help, especially assistance to clean up the remnants of mud, cleaning tools, medical services, medicines, clean water, rebuilding bridges, and basic necessities because economic activities have not recovered.

Since the first day of the disaster, Rumah Zakat Action sent 24 volunteers, deployed 2 units of ambulances and 2 units of operational cars, performed medical services, distribution of food packages, and provided psychosocial services for children.

“Rumah Zakat Action will continue to carry out further actions after the disasters such as building bridges, repairing schools, and helping communities reactivate the economy so that people can return to power” added Herlan.


Lailatul Istikhomah / Hanaa Afifah[:]

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