[:ID]GUNUNGKIDUL. Senin (11/09), Anak-anak santri TPA Rumah Zakat di Masjid Nurrohiim, Dusun Jetis Kulon, Desa Pacarejo ter;ihat sangat senang sekali mendapat takjil Es lilin. Pemberian Es lilin ini adalah cara dari Fasilitator Desa Berdaya meningkatkan semangat para santri TPA untuk membiasakan puasa sunnah.
Mas Ratno, Fasilitator Desa Berdaya Rumah Zakat di desa Pacarejo bersama kelima ustadzah Pembina TPA mengumpulkan para santri untuk mengambil Es lilin setelah mereka semua mendapakan bagian untuk membaca Al-Quran.
“Ayo kesini pada kumpul, sebelum kita tutup kumpul dulu. Mas Ratno mau ngomong sebentar skalian mau ngasih sesuatu,” ucap Mas Ratno.
“Nah kalau senin pekan kemarin kita kasih susu kedelai,sore ini es lilin ya,” tambahnya.
“Horeeeee, “ Sahut anak-anak.
Serentak para santri yang berjumlah 60 orang itu pun mengungapakan kegembiraan mereka. Anak anak juga diajari agar senang untuk melaksanakan shalat berjamaah setelah belajar Al-Quran bersama.
“Es lilin yang harganya cuman Rp500 Jauh lebih murah dibanding harga ice cream di minimarket. Meski sekedar Es lilin, satu hal yang kami lihat sebagai para guru atau penggerak TPA hal ini sangat penting. Semoga konsep TPA bertakjil akan menjadi jalan untuk TPA semakin diminati santri, sehingga santri TPA terus terjaga semangatnya untuk hadir ke TPA. Dan pada akhirnya akan lahir generasi Qurani,” Terang Mas Ratno saat di temui di TPA.
Gunungkidul[:en]GUNUNGKIDUL. Monday (11/09), the children of TPA Rumah Zakat at Nurrohiim Mosque, Jetis Kulon Hamlet, Pacarejo Village are very happy to get Lilin ice Ifthor. Ice candle is a way of the Village Facilitator Berdaya improve the spirit of the TPA students to familiarize with the sunnah fasting. Mas Ratno, Empowered Village Facilitator of Rumah Zakat in the empowered village of Pacarejo.
Mas Ratno, Empowered Village Facilitator of Rumah Zakat in Pacarejo together with the five ustadzah in TPA coaches gather the santri to take the Lilin Ice after they all got the section to read Al-Quran.
“Come here, before we close, let’s we gather together first, Mas Ratno would say a moment. and I will give something,” said Mas Ratno.
“Well if last Monday we have got the milk soy, this afternoon we will have Lilin Ice,” he added.
“Hooray,” the children said.
Simultaneously the santri who numbered 60 people was also shown their joy. Children are also taught to be happy to perform the prayers in congregation after learning the Quran together.
“The lilin ice that cost only Rp500 Much cheaper than the price of ice cream in mini market. Although just Lilin Ice, one thing we see as teachers this is very important. Hopefully, the concept of ifthor for TPA will be a way for increasing santri interest, so students of TPA keep their spirit to attend the TPA. And it means, there will be born the generation of Qurani, “Said Mas Ratno.
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