oleh | Feb 9, 2018 | News

[:ID]INDRAMAYU. Februari (09/02) tingginya intensitas hujan membuat air Sungai Plawad meluap pada senin (05/02). Limpasan air sungai plawad merendam permukiman penduduk di sejumlah kampung yang terkena banjir dengan ketinggian bervariasi mulai 30 cm hingga 75 cm.
Aktivitas warga sempat lumpuh dan harus mengungsi ke area pengungsian. Sejumlah kampung di dua kecamatan yang terendam banjir yaitu Patrol dan Kandanghaur.

Kamis (09/02), dibantu warga dan RT, RW setempat, Fasilitator Rumah Zakat dan Relawan Rumah Zakat dari Indramayu menyalurkan 300 kaleng kornet Superqurban, 500 makanan siap saji, 20 dus air mineral dan 200 bungkus biskuit. Nampak terlihat senang sekali warga terdampak banjir ketika menerima bantuan. Mereka merasa terbantu dan bersyukur karena ada yang memperhatikan.

“Alhamdulillah kita bisa berbagi senyum disini dan air juga sudah mulai surut. Ungkap, Relawan Rumah Zakat dari Indramayu.
Selain berbagi kornet dan makanan, pada kamis (09/02), para relawan juga berupaya menghibur anak-anak yang sempat mengungsi dengan berbagai permainan dan membantu packing sembako dan snack untuk warga di posko pengungsian.

Berbagai upaya senantiasa Relawan Rumah zakat lakukan untuk meringankan beban sesama yang terdampak bencana.

Newsroom / Lailatul Istikhomah
Indramayu[:en]INDRAMAYU. February (09/02) the high intensity of rain makes the water of Plawad River overflow on Monday (05/02). River water flooded residential settlements in a number of villages affected by floods with varying heights ranging from 30 cm to 75 cm.

Residents Activity had paralyzed and they had to evacuate to the refugee area. A number of villages in two sub-districts that were flooded were Patrol and Kandanghaur village.

Thursday (09/02), assisted by residents and RT, local RW,Rumah Zakat Facilitators and Rumah Zakat volunteers from Indramayu distributed 300 cans of Superqurban corned beef, 500 ready meals, 20 boxes of mineral water and 200 packets of biscuits. It seemed that the residents were happy when they receive assistance. They feel helpful and grateful for the relief they received.

“Alhamdulillah we can share a smile here and the water also has started to recede. Revealed, Rumah Zakat Volunteers from Indramayu.

In addition to sharing Superqurban corned beef and food, on Thursday (09/02), the volunteers also tried to entertain children with various games and help packing groceries and snacks for residents in refugee camps.

Various efforts always conducted by volunteer of Rumah Zakat to ease the burden of fellow who affected by the disaster.

Newsroom / Lailatul Istikhomah
