[:ID]PANGANDARAN. (06/07) Posyandu adalah ujung tombak dalam pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat. Saat ini Posyandu memasuki generasi ke 3 yang pelayanannya, tidak hanya 5 pelayanan dasar posyandu saja tetapi lebih kompleks lagi. Untuk itu perlu adanya perhatian khusus terutama peran serta pemerintah desa dalam mengembangkan posyandu.
Rumah zakat Fasilitator Desa Berdaya membina 9 posyandu di desa Babakan, Pangandaran terus bersinergi untuk mengembangkan posyandu.
Diantara bentuk sinergi Rumah Zakat dengan posyandu adalah pemberian makanan tambahan (PMT),
“Salah satu PMT untuk anak balita yang datang ke Posyandu kali ini adalah Kornet Superqurban. Semoga dengan ini kebutuhan gizi para balita terpenuhi,” ujar Fasilitator Desa Berdaya, Hantono Assadul Kahfi.
Martika / Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]PANGANDARAN. (06/07) Posyandu is the spearhead in public health service. Currently Posyandu enters the 3rd generation of its ministry, not just 5 basic services but posyandu also should give more complex services. Therefore, special attention is needed, especially the participation of village government in developing posyandu.
Rumah Zakat, through Empowered Village Facilitator fostering 9 posyandu in the Babakan village, Pangandaran continue to work together to develop posyandu. Among the forms of synergy of Rumah Zakat with posyandu are by providing supplementary food.
“One of food for toddlers who come to Posyandu this time is corned Superqurban, hopefully the nutritional needs of the toddlers will be fulfilled,” said Empowered Village Facilitator, Hantono Assadul Kahfi.
Martika / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]