oleh | Jan 11, 2018 | News

[:ID]JAKARTA. Guru beserta tim manajemen SD Juara IPC , sekolah binaan Rumah Zakat melakukan kegiatan studi banding ke School Of Universe yang terletak di Parung, Bogor. Rombongan SD Juara IPC berjumlah 15 orang, disambut oleh tim perkusi bernama “Team Ronbenks Percussion” dari sekolah School Of Universe. Rabu (11/01/2018).

Kepala sekolah SD School of Universe, Ibu Maria menyambut rombongan SD Juara. Dalam sambutannya tersebut, beliau menceritakan sejarah tentang berdirinya SD School of Universe. “School of Universe menawarkan lingkungan belajar yang positif, aktif (active learning) untuk anak-anak di dalam tahun-tahun penting perkembangan mereka,” jelas Maria kepada rombongan SD Juara IPC.

Tahun 2014, SD School of Universe berdiri. Pendekatan yang digunakan dititik beratkan pada akhlak, pembelajaran keterampilan hidup secara praktis yaitu : bisnis; teknologi informasi dan komunikasi; apresiasi lingkungan; konsisten serta pengembangan kreativitas dan logika.

Kurikulum yang dipakai gabungan kurikulum alam dan dikombinasi dengan kurikulum pendidikan nasional. Empat pilar kurikulum sekolah tersebut adalah akhlak, logika, leadership, bisnis.

“Kunjungan dan mempelajari sistem pendidikan di sekolah lain sangat perlu, tujuannya untuk memberikan pola pendidikan yang tepat bagi siswa. Kami banyak belajar dari SD School of Universe, ada banyak konsep dan pengembangan anak yang dapat diterapkan kepada siswa-siswi SD Juara IPC. Pendidikan terbaik dan pengembangan anak menjadi fokus utama setiap kegiatan sekolah nanti,” tutur Yulie Kusumawatie wakil kepala sekolah SD Juara IPC.


Newsroom/ Yadi Mulyadi
Jakarta[:en]JAKARTA. Teachers along with management team SD Juara IPC built Rumah Zakat conducting study visits to the School Of Universe located in Parung, Bogor. The group of SD Champion IPC numbered 15 people, greeted by percussion team named “Team Ronbenks Percussion” from School Of Universe. Wednesday (11/01/2018).

Principal of SD School of Universe, Mrs. Maria welcomed the elementary school champion. In his speech, he recounted the history of the establishment of SD School of Universe. “School of Universe offers a positive learning environment, active (active learning) for children in the important years of their development,” explained Maria to the SD Juara IPC.

Year 2014, SD School of Universe stands. The approach used is emphasized on morals, practical life skills learning that is business, information and communication technology;, environmental appreciation, consistent as well as the development of creativity and logic.

The curriculum is a combination of the natural curriculum and combined with the national education curriculum. Four pillars of the school curriculum are morals, logic, leadership, business.

“Visiting and studying the education system in other schools is necessary, the goal is to provide the right educational pattern for students. We learn a lot from the SD School of Universe, there are many concepts and development of children that can be applied to the students of SD Juara IPC. The best education and child development are the main focus of every school activity, “said Yulie Kusumawatie, Deputy Principal of SD Juara IPC.


Newsroom / Yadi Mulyadi
