[:ID]PEKANBARU. (05/01) Located in the Hall of Sukajadi Village Office Pekanbaru, Rumah Zakat which cooperates with Cita Sehat Foundation conducted counseling related to waste and socialization of Trash Charity Program to PKK mothers of Sukajadi village.
In her explanation Yolanda, Public Healt of Cita Sehat conducted socialization as well as counseling regarding to trash and trash charity. PKK mothers are enthusiastic to carry out trash charity in sukajadi village and ready to open garbage collection center.
“Hopefully the mothers want to do useful activities for the community not just only get together “said Emi, head of RW 01 Sukajadi Village.
Newsroom / Lailatul Istikhomah
Pekanbaru[:en]PEKANBARU. (05/01) Located in the Hall of Sukajadi Village Office Pekanbaru, Rumah Zakat which cooperates with Cita Sehat Foundation conducted counseling related to waste and socialization of Trash Charity Program to PKK mothers of Sukajadi village.
In her explanation Yolanda, Public Healt of Cita Sehat conducted socialization as well as counseling regarding to trash and trash charity. PKK mothers are enthusiastic to carry out trash charity in sukajadi village and ready to open garbage collection center.
“Hopefully the mothers want to do useful activities for the community not just only get together “said Emi, head of RW 01 Sukajadi Village.
Newsroom / Lailatul Istikhomah