oleh | Sep 16, 2016 | News

[:ID]smp-juara-bandung-antusias-peringati-haornas-2016BANDUNG. Keseruan demi keseruan terus menerus dirasakan oleh seluruh guru dan siswa SMP Juara Bandung (binaan RZ) di Sarana Olahraga (Saraga) ITB, Kamis (16/09).

Beberapa kegiatan olahraga dinikmati oleh semua siswa, mulai dari lari mengelilingi trek, basket bagi siswa putri dan voli untuk siswa putra. Tak ketinggalan guru pun turut serta bersama berolahraga.

Kegiatan ini untuk memperingati Hari Olahraga Nasional (Haornas) yang jatuh pada tanggal 9 September kemarin, juga menyambut PON XIX di Jawa Barat. Sekira 150 orang siswa dan 10 guru menghadirinya.

“Saya mengharapkan seluruh siswa dapat merasakan lapangan dan trek lari yang berbeda dengan di sekolah, selain itu olahraga bisa mengukur dan meningkatkan kebugaran serta kesehatan siswa,” Ujar Tito Suhendar selaku Kepala Sekolah pada sambutan pembukaan kegiatan ini.

Pertandingan olahraga basket serta voli dilakukan dengan kompetisi antar kelas, setiap kelas saling bertemu sesuai hasil undian. ” Rame sekali, walaupun agak ada konflik tapi seru pa! Ada pengalaman main basket di tempatnya, kapan – kapan lagi ya pa,” ujar Aulia siswa kelas 9 saat ditanya mengenai kesan berolahraga di Sarana Olahraga ITB.

Sebelum bertanding Pa Zaenal, guru olahraga, memberikan petunjuk dan pelajaran mengenai teknis berolahraga yang baik, sekaligus mengajarkan teknik dasar basket dan voli. “Harus sering kegiatan seperti ini, agar anak – anak terbiasa. Juga bahagia melihat anak-anak antusias berolahraga,” kata Pa Zaenal mengomentari kegiatan ini.

Kegiatan ditutup tepat pada pukul 11.30. Tarudin selaku ketua pelaksana berterima kasih kepada guru dan siswa yang telah menyukseskan kegiatan ini.” Kegiatan yang bisa memunculkan bakat anak-anak peserta didik, karena kekurangan sarana olahraga di sekolah, kita tidak bisa melihat potensi olahraga pada anak, ” ucap Tarudin menutup acara peringatan Haornas 2016 Smp Juara Bandung.

Sumber: http://www.kompasiana.com/smpjuarabandung/peringatan-haornas-2016-smp-juara-bandung_57db3b0d149773d65b99717e[:en]smp-juara-bandung-antusias-peringati-haornas-2016BANDUNG. On Thursday (09/15) RZ Volunteers distribute health and economic assistance in Kampung Jati, Jakarta. Such as health assistance for bu Yunirah (66) or commonly called Yuyun in the amount of 200,000 Rupiahs. She is suffering for lung disease – pulmonary and experiences excessive pain.

In addition, there is also the distribution of economic assistance to Suhartini (61), Siti Zubaidah (53) and Wirdawati (35) which each received 425,000 Rupiahs.

The distribution was held in Jati Klender village RT 05 RW 01, No. 06. Jatinegara Kaung subdistrict, Pulogadung, district. East Jakarta.

“Thanks to Rumah Zakat who has cared for me, my whole family is very happy and very helpful for the assistance given to us. ” Said Yuyun

The excitements are continuously to be felt by all the teachers and students of SMP Juara Bandung (RZ) at the Sports Camp (Saraga) ITB, Thursday (09/16).

Some sports activities enjoyed by all students, ranging from running around the track, women’s basketball and volleyball for students to male students. Not to forget the teachers also participated in the exercises.

These activities to commemorate the National Sports Day (Haornas), which falls on September 9 yesterday, also welcome PON XIX in West Java. Total of 150 students and 10 teachers attended.

“I expect all students can feel the pitch and running track differing from the school, other than that exercise can measure and improve the fitness and health of students,” said Tito Suhendar as Principal at the opening speech of the event.

Basketball and volleyball matches do with the competition between the classes, each class meet each corresponding lottery results. “It was very exciting, although there is a conflict but it rather exciting! I have an experience playing basketball in the appropriate place, Let’s do this again letter sir “said Aulia students in 9th grade when asked about the impression of exercising at ITB Sports Facilities.

Before the match Mr. Zaenal, gym teacher, give instructions and lessons on good technical exercise, as well as teach the basic techniques of basketball and volleyball. “This kind of activity should be carried out often, so that children are accustomed. I am also happy to see children excited exercise, “said Mr.Zaenal comment on this activity.

Activities end precisely at 11:30 a.m. Tarudin as the chairman of the activity thanking teachers and students who have succeeded in this activity. “Activities that can bring children’s talent, because of lack of sports facilities in schools, we cannot see the potential of sport in children,” said Tarudin closing the commemoration of Haornas 2016 of SMP Juara Bandung.

Sumber: http://www.kompasiana.com/smpjuarabandung/peringatan-haornas-2016-smp-juara-bandung_57db3b0d149773d65b99717e[:]