[:ID]SEMARANG. Keterampilan bahasa mendengarkan penjelasan atau cerita atau teks merupakan salah satu aspek dalam kompetensi dasar pada pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, seperti halnya hari Rabu (06/10) siswa kelas 5 di SD Juara Semarang belajar mendengarkan cerita “Pahlawan Tak Dikenal”.
Sebelum guru membacakan cerita, siswa menyanyikan yel-yel kelas 5 sebagai alfazone. Kemudian, siswa mulai konsentrasi mendengarkan cerita yang dibacakan guru. Guru membacakan cerita dengan intonasi dan menirukan suara yang sama dengan narasumber dalam cerita tersebut.
Ketika mereka mendengar cerita, ada yang tertawa, senyum-senyum karena kemungkinan guru yang membacakan cerita terkesan lucu.
Evaluasi dari pelajaran tersebut, siswa diminta untuk menanggapi pertanyaan dan menyimpulkan isi cerita secara lisan. “Tujuan dari pembelajaran ini mengajarkan nilai-nilai keberanian, tanggung jawab, dan percaya diri sesuai dengan isi cerita. Selain itu, siswa diharapkan mampu memahami isi cerita.” kata Arif Rahman.
Newsroom/Arif Rahman
Semarang[:en]SEMARANG. Listening is one of Language skills, listening to an explanation or a story or text is one aspect of basic competence Bahasa subject. As well as on Wednesday (10/06) 5th grade student of SD Juara Semarang learn to listen to the story of “Unknown Soldier”.
Before the teacher read the story, the students sang 5th grade slogans as alfazone. Then, the students began to concentrate listening to story read by teacher. The teacher read story with intonation and mimic as the same sounds with the speaker in the story.
When they hear the stories, there is laughter, smiles because the teacher read story in funny way.
Evaluation of the lesson is that students are asked to respond to questions and concludes the story orally. “The purpose of this study teaches the values of courage, responsibility, and confidence in accordance with the content of the story. In addition, students are expected to understand the story. ” Said Arif Rahman.
Newsroom/Arif Rahman