oleh | Nov 7, 2018 | News

[:ID]BANDUNG. Senin (5/11) Pagi yang cerah memberikan energi baru pada peserta didik SD Juara Bandung pada upacara Senin pagi ini.

Upacara yang menjadi rutinitas mingguan kali ini ada yang berbeda. Formasi baris serta posisi guru diubah sesuai dengan lebar dan luas lapangan.

Posisi tiang bendera yang pindah ke tengah lapangan pun menjadi perhitungan sendiri sehingga anggota Pasukan Khusus (Pasus) harus mengubah posisi mereka saat latihan upacara.

Pembina upacara kali ini langsung dibawakan oleh Bapak Tito Suhendar, M.Pd. Selaku kepala sekolah, bapak Tito menekankan kembali gerakan-gerakan yang sudah diluncurkan sejak bulan September lalu, salah satunya Gerakan Literasi Sekolah.

Gerakan Literasi Sekolah yang sudah digaungkan sejak bulan September diyakini mampu memberikan dampak terhadap peserta didik terutama dalam segi keilmuan dan kreatifitas.

Diakhir upacara, saat pengumuman, Ibu Nining Sriningsih, S,Psi selaku leading sector atas gerakan gerakan ini memberikan penghargaan kepada Alva kelas 3 dan Kayyisah kelas 5 atas capaiannya sebagai peserta didik yang paling banyak membaca buku pada bulan Oktober. “ini akan kami lakukan setiap bulan, sebagai komitmen sekolah dalam mengawal program GLS ini” pungkas ibu Nining.

Achmad Ghozali / Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]BANDUNG. Monday (5/11) A sunny morning gives new energy to SD Juara Bandung students at the ceremony this Monday morning.

The ceremony that became a weekly routine this time was different. Line formations and teacher positions are changed according to the width and width of the field.

The position of the flagpole that moved to the center of the field became its own calculation so that members of the Special Forces (Pasus) had to change their position during the ceremony.

This ceremony coach was immediately delivered by Mr. Tito Suhendar, M.Pd. As the principal, Mr. Tito reiterated the movements which had been launched since last September, one of which was the School Literacy Movement.

The School Literacy Movement that has been echoed since September is believed to be able to have an impact on students, especially in terms of science and creativity.

At the end of the ceremony, during the announcement, Ms. Nining Sriningsih, S, Psi as the leading sector of the movement gave awards to Alva 3rd grade student and Kayyisah 5th grade for their achievements as students who read the most books in October. “We will do this every month, as the school’s commitment to guarding the program,” concluded Ms. Nining.


Achmad Ghozali / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]