oleh | Agu 19, 2016 | News

[:ID]SISWA DI PEKANBARU KEKURANGAN PANGAN, RELAWAN RZ BAGIKAN 160 KORNET SUPERQURBANPEKANBARU, Riau24.com- Melihat kondisi kekurangan pangan pada hampir seluruh siswa yang ada di Sekolah Cerdas Pokjar Sukajadi, Relawan Rumah Zakat (RZ) hari ini, Kamis (18/08) membagikan 160 kaleng kornet Superqurban kepada siswa di sekolah ini.

Selain itu, Relawan RZ juga menilai taraf ekonomi orang tua siswa sekolah ini masih rendah. Hal ini terbukti dari adanya seorang siswa yang berjalan kaki pulang dan pergi sekolah dari daerah Kubang menuju daerah Kualu, Panam.

Selain membagikan 160 kornet Superqurban, dalam rangka memperingati HUT RI ke 71, Relawan RZ juga memberi motivasi kepada siswa di sekolah ini untuk mengenang jasa pahlawan dan belajar lebih giat meski mereka kurang beruntung dan tidak memiliki biaya yang cukup untuk menimba ilmu di sekolah yang lebih layak.

Tak hanya itu, Relawan RZ juga memberi pengetahuan mengenai Pelajar Siaga Bencana (PSB). PSB merupakan materi dasar ketika menutup luka saat ada luka ringan atau medium pada tubuh.

Relawan RZ pun memberi lomba untuk memeriahkan HUT RI ke-71. Lomba yang diadakan seperti lomba lari, meniup balon hingga makan kerupuk. Siswa-siswi terlihat antusias mengikuti kegiatan yang dilakukan Relawan RZ ini.

“Kita harus juga memerhatikan sekolah-sekolah yang seperti sekolah marginal ini, karena kasihan mereka yang masih bersemangat sekolah, tapi tidak memiliki biaya dan cuma sekolah di sekolah yang gratis tapi kurang fasilitas dan jauh sekali dari rumah mereka. Mereka adalah penerus bangsa ini,” ujar Koordinator Relawan RZ Pekanbaru, Fajri Sabti.

Sumber: http://www.riau24.com/berita/baca/63041-siswa-sekolah-cerdas-pokjar-kekurangan-pangan-relawan-rz-bagikan-160-kaleng-kornet-sq/[:en]SISWA DI PEKANBARU KEKURANGAN PANGAN, RELAWAN RZ BAGIKAN 160 KORNET SUPERQURBANPEKANBARU,Independence day enjoyed by all the people of Indonesia, starting from children to the elderly participated in a festive 71st anniversary event of the Republic of Indonesia in their respective environments.

Not to be forgotten also with PAUD Juara Jasindo & amp; Mitra 10 (early childhood school) in Tangerang. On Thursday (08/18), 40 students of PAUD Juara Jasindo & amp; Mitra 10 participated in the competition held by the teachers, the competition consist of eating cracker contest (while sitting), sack race, moving the flag, and the tug of war.

The joy felt when they participate in the competition with the spirit. Also present were the parents who provide support to their children. Not only for the students, for the parents was also held decorating mini tumpeng contest on Friday (08/19) at the time of their children to follow the coloring contest.

Announcement of winners will be presented at the end of the event. As for gifts given in the form of cutlery and stationery, “hopefully by holding various competitions, it can add the spirit and motivation of students to compete fairly and positively.” said Sandri Nurmalasari, Head PAUD Juara Jasindo & amp; Mitra 10

Seeing the condition of food shortages in almost all students in SD Cerdas Pokjar Sukajadi, volunteers Rumah Zakat (RZ) today, Thursday (08/18) distributed 160 cans of SuperQurban corned to students at this school.

In addition, RZ Volunteers also assess the economic level of parents of the students is still low. This is evident from the existence of students who walk home and go to school from Kubang towards Kualu, Panam.

In addition to distributing 160 SuperQurban corned, in commemoration of 71st Indonesia independence day, RZ Volunteer also provided motivation for students in this school in order to honor the heroes and studied harder even though they are less fortunate and do not have enough cost to study in more appropriate school ,

Not only that, RZ Volunteers also provided knowledge about Disaster alert for student (PSB). The basic material delivered is to dress the wound when there is light or medium injuries on the body.

RZ volunteers also gave the race to enliven 71. The competition which was held such as running race, blowing a balloon and eating crackers, students enthusiastically followed the activities carried out by RZ Volunteer.

“We should also pay attention to marginal schools like this because it is will be bad for those who eager to attend school, but did not have a cost and only school in the school for free but lacking in amenities and far away from their homes. They are the nation’s future, “said Volunteer Coordinator of RZ Pekanbaru, Fajri Sabti.

Source: http://www.riau24.com/berita/baca/63041-siswa-sekolah-cerdas-pokjar-kekurangan-pangan-relawan-rz-bagikan-160-kaleng-kornet-sq/