[:ID]GORONTALO. Hujan deras yang berlangsung pada Selasa (25/10), sejak siang hingga malam di Kabupaten Gorontalo menyebabkan sungai-sungai meluap dan menyebabkan banjir, bahkan di beberapa lokasi mengalami longsor.
Sungai yang meluap bersamaan dan arus deras menyebabkan banjir melanda empat kecamatan, yaitu Kecamatan Limboto, Limboto Barat, Pulubala, dan Tolangohula, Kabupaten Gorontalo, Provinsi Gorontalo, mulai pukul 18.30 Wita hingga malam hari.
Relawan RZ menyakurkan bantuan ke 4 kelurahan yang terdampak, yaitu Kel.Hunggaluwa, kel. Kayu merah, kel. Tenilo, kel. Pone, Kec. Limboto, Kab.Gorontalo.
Dampak bencana banjir yang ditimbulkan berupa ketinggian air merendam rumah warga mulai dari 50 cm, di titik tertentu hingga 2 meter. Perabotan warga bayak yg terendam air tdk terselamatkan, lumpur air masih menggenangi halaman dan bagian dalam rumah, alhasil sebagian warga mengungsi di rumah-rumah tetangga yang rumahnya tidak terendam air. Disamping itu terdapat beberapa rumah rusak ringan.
Sampai tadi malam pukul 22.00 WITA, Air masih mengenangi rumah warga, curah hujan masih tinggi potensi air naik lagi. Kebutuhan bantuan untuk korban banjir saat ini meliputi makanan, family kit, air mineral.
“Bantuan yang sudah disalurkan oleh Relawan RZ Berupa 50 paket logistik untuk keluarga terdampak berupa susu UHT, roti, biskuit, air mineral dan ikan kaleng.” kata sandy, Relawan RZ (27/10).
Gorontalo[:en]GORONTALO. Heavy rains that happened on Tuesday (25/10), from noon till night in Gorontalo district caused rivers to overflow and cause flood, even in some locations experiencing landslides.
Overflowing rivers and rapids simultaneously causing floods hit four districts, namely Limboto Subdistrict, Limboto Barat, Pulubala, and Tolangohula, Gorontalo regency, Gorontalo province, starting at 18:30 pm until the evening.
RZ Volunteers channelled aid to four affected villages, namely Hunggaluwa subdistrict, Kayu merah subdistrict, Tenilo subdistrict , Pone subdistrict, Limboto subdistrict, Gorontalo Regency.
Flood soaked homes ranging from 50 cm, at a certain point up to 2 meters. The citizens’s furniture that soaked by water and cannot be saved, mud is still flooding the yard and inside the home, as a result some residents sought refuge in neighboring houses whose houses were not flooded. Besides, there are some homes are slightly damaged.
Until last night at 10:00 pm, the water is still soaking commemorate homes, high rainfall potential for water rises again. Needs help for flood victims today include food, family kits, and mineral water.
“The aid has been distributed by RZ Volunteer are in the Form 50 logistics package for affected families in the form UHT milk, bread, biscuits, mineral water and canned fish” Said sandy, RZ Volunteer (27/10).