[:ID]SOLO. SFA Steak & Resto bersama RZ mengajak anak-anak juara binaan RZ mengasah keterampilan dalam acara Cooking Class, kegiatan tersebut juga disertai pemberian beasiswa untuk 100 orang anak juara.
Kegiatan tersebut diadakan pada Kamis (29/12) di SFA Steak & Resto, Jl. A.Yani No 80 Sragen Jawa Tengah. Acara dimulai dari pukul 10.00. Dalam kegiatan ini anak-anak praktik memasak nugget yang baik dan lezat serta mengolah bahan-bahannya sambil didampingi oleh seorang Chef. anak-anak antusias mengikuti Cooking Class tersebut. “Asik belajar masak nugget. Gampang, nuggetnya juga enak. Nanti nyoba di rumah ah.” ujar salah satu anak juara antusias.
Diakhir acara, anak-anak pun menerima beasiswa berupa uang tunai yang diserahkan perwakilan SFA Steak & Resto. Selain untuk mengisi waktu liburan sekolah, Kegiatan ini juga memberikan manfaat untuk kemandirian bagi anak-anak juara.
SOLO. SFA Steak & Resto along with RZ invited RZ fostered children to hone their skills in Cooking Class activity. This activity was also accompanied by the provision of scholarships for 100 children.
The activity was held on Thursday (12/29) in the SFA Steak & Resto, Jl. A. Yani No. 80 Sragen, Central Java. The event started at 10:00. In this activity, children practice cooking of good and tasty nuggets and process the ingredients while accompanied by a Chef. Children enthusiastically participated in the Cooking Class. “Excited, I learn to cook nuggets. It was easy, the nugget also delicious. Later I will try at home” said one enthusiastic champion child.
End of the event, the children were receiving scholarships in the form of cash handed over by SFA Steak & Resto representatives. In addition to fill the school holiday, this event also provides benefits to self-sufficiency for RZ fostered children.