[:ID]PEKANBARU. Dalam rangka memperingati hari kelahiran Nabi Muhmmad SAW dan juga mengajarkan kecintaan pada Nabi, SD Juara Pekanbaru melaksanakan Lomba Rangking 1 mengenai sejarah Nabi Muhmmad SAW (30/11).
Acara dimulai pukul 07-30 WIB, setelah senam pagi dan bertempat di halaman sekolah. Lomba rangking 1 dilombakan per kelas kelas masing-masing dan soal diberikan oleh guru kelasnya dengan di saksikan teman-teman lainnya. Lomba dimulai dari kelas 3, kelas 1, kelas 4, kelas 6, kelas 2 dan terakhir kelas 5.
“Lomba ini terasa spesial karena belajar sejarah Rasulullah dalam rangka peringatan Maulid Nabi, dengan cara ini semoga semakin menguatkan kecintaan anak-anak pada Rasulullah SAW” kata pak Bayu, Guru SD Juara Pekanbaru.
Acara selesai pukul 09.00 dengan pemenang 1 orang perkelas, para siswa antusias mengikuti lomba dan menyaksikan kegiatan lomba rangking 1 dalam rangka memperingati hari kelahiran Rasulullah SAW.
[:en]PEKANBARU. In order to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhmmad SAW and also teach the love to the Prophet, SD Juara Pekanbaru implementing the Rangking 1 Competition on the history of the Prophet Muhmmad SAW on (30/11).
The event starts at 07.30 WIB, after morning gymnastic and held in the school yard. The Ranking 1 Competition was contested per class of each class and the questions are given by the class teacher by watching other friends. The competition starts from grade 3, grade 1, grade 4, grade 6, class 2 and 5 grade.
“This competition feels special because of studying the history of the Prophet in order to commemorate the Prophet’s birthday, in this way may further strengthen the love of the children to Rasulullah SAW” said Mr. Bayu, teacher of SD Juara Pekanbaru.
The event finished at 09.00 with 1 winner of the class, the students enthusiastically participated in the competition and witnessed the 1st race event in commemorating the birthday of Rasulullah SAW.
Newsroom / Ratih