oleh | Apr 8, 2014 | Inspirasi

semangkaSebuah studi terbaru menunjukkan semangka secara signifikan dapat mengurangi tekanan darah pada individu yang menderita kelebihan berat badan.

“Tekanan pada aorta dan jantung menurun setelah mengonsumsi ekstrak semangka,” kata Associate Professor dari Florida State University, Arturo Figueroa seperti dilansir Science Daily.

Studi yang diterbitkan dalam American Journal of Hypertension ini dimulai dengan konsep yang sederhana.

Tim peneliti melihat lebih banyak orang meninggal karena serangan jantung di cuaca dingin. Mereka menderita stres akibat suhu yang dingin sehingga menyebabkan tekanan darah meningkat dan jantung harus bekerja lebih keras untuk memompa darah ke aorta.

Orang dengan obesitas dan tekanan darah tinggi menghadapi risiko stroke lebih tinggi atau serangan jantung bila terkena udara dingin baik selama musim dingin atau di ruangan dengan suhu rendah.

Untuk sampai pada kesimpulan ini, Figuerra dan timnya mempelajari 13 penderita obesitas yang juga menderita tekanan darah tinggi selama 12 minggu.

Untuk mensimulasikan kondisi cuaca dingin, salah satu tangan subjek itu dicelupkan ke air bersuhu 4 derajat Celcius.  Pada saat itu, tekanan darah subjek diperiksa.

Figueroa dan timnya lalu membagi para penderita obesitas tersebut ke dalam dua kelompok. Selama enam minggu pertama, satu kelompok diberi empat gram asam amino L – citrulline dan dua gram L – arginine per hari dari ekstrak semangka. Sedangkan kelompok lainnya diberi plasebo.

Selama penelitian, mereka tidak diperbolehkan mengonsumsi obat apapun atau mengubah gaya hidup untuk merubah tekanan darah mereka.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mengkonsumsi semangka memiliki dampak positif pada tekanan darah aorta dan parameter pembuluh darah lainnya. Pada subjek studi, ditemukan adanya perbaikan tekanan darah dan stres pada jantung saat mereka terkena air dingin.

Figueroa telah melakukan berbagai penelitian tentang manfaat semangka. Di masa lalu, ia meneliti bagaimana dampak pasca-menopause pada fungsi arteri perempuan.


semangkaAccording to a new study, a pre-hypertensive condition is one of the major risk factors for serious health threats such as strokes and heart attacks. However, not too many people are aware that simply eating watermelons can be very effective in naturally fighting off pre-hypertension and therefore, considerably lessening the risk for heart attacks and strokes.

Food scientists from the Florida State University have discovered that consuming 6 grams of L-citrulline contained in watermelon extract for a period of six weeks helped normalize the blood pressure of all the participants in the study (nine adults) who were previously observed to have raised blood pressure. This recent activity was reported in The News.

The research

The lead researcher of the group that conducted the new study, Dr. Arturo Figueroa, claimed that the team is the first to document the significant improvements in aortic hemodynamics in middle-aged people (both men and women) who have been diagnosed to be pre-hypertensive, but are otherwise healthy, and regularly receiving therapeutic watermelon doses.

To put it simply, the findings imply that the common watermelon, sometimes called the “functional food” possesses a vasodilatory effect. Dr. Figueroa further adds that watermelon consumption can actually keep pre-hypertension at bay, and prevent it from advancing into a full-blown case of hypertension; and as previously mentioned, hypertension is the precursor to more serious health conditions such as strokes and heart attacks.

The big and usually round in shape watermelon fruit is not only a refreshing and satisfying treat during hot weather conditions. It is also known as the richest edible source of L-citrulline, a type of amino acid that helps promote and regulate healthy blood pressure. Once it is in the body, L-citrulline is processed and converted into another type of amino acid, L-arginine.

However, when taken in the form of a dietary supplement, L-arginine can cause some minor side effects. These include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems, particularly among adults who may already be experiencing increased blood pressure at the time of intake.

Dr. Figueroa further implied that those who have arterial stiffness and elevated blood pressure – specifically people who have been diagnosed with various chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes or diabetes mellitus, or those who are older – have a lot to gain from the intake of L-citrulline in either its synthetic or natural form.

Its natural and safer form, of course, is the watermelon; fruit safer because being natural, it does not come with any unwanted side effects. This is particularly ideal for the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions like those mentioned above. With these facts, people may see the common watermelon in a different light.

The study discussed above was recently included in the pages of the American Journal of Hypertension.
