oleh | Feb 2, 2018 | Mitra Korporat, News

[:ID]BANDUNG. Sebanyak 20 pemuda dari berbagai daerah mengikuti program Sekolah Kreatif Rumah Zakat kolaborasi dengan Creator School. Setelah menempuh pembinaan dan pelatihan tentang kewirausahaan, mereka melakukan presentasi final produk-produk hasil ide masing-masing peserta secara kelompok di kantor Rumah Zakat Jalan Turangga No 33, Kota Bandung.

Sekolah Kreatif Rumah Zakat adalah program pengembangan sumber daya manusia di desa yang dibantu Creator School untuk menghasilkan para pengusaha. Melalui progam ini, Rumah Zakat dan Creator School memberikan pembinaan berupa pelatihan dan praktek kewirausahaan hingga menjadi produk jadi untuk dijual.

“Dengan mengembangkan potensi dari desa menjadi sebuah bisnis akan mengembangkan desa itu sendiri, terutama membentuk karakter para entrepreneur di desa bahwa mereka mampu untuk sukses dalam bisnis. Saya percaya Indonesia besar bukan karena kemajuan kota, tapi karena kemajuan desanya. Bersama Rumah Zakat, saya merintis program ini (Sekolah Kreatif) mengembangkan para entrepreneur desa,” ungkap Yuswohady principal dari Creator School.

20 pemuda yang belajar selama 3 bulan mendapat pembinaan di Sekolah Kreatif Rumah Zakat. Mereka berasal dari wilayah yang berbeda yaitu Banjaran (Bandung), Buah Batu (Bandung), Subang, Garut dan Pangandaran. Kamis (01/02/2018), para peserta mempresentasikan produk inovasi masing-masing. Kebanyakan dari mereka membuat produk kuliner yang menjadi ciri khas masing-masing daerah dengan keunikan produk yang diciptakan.

Produk yang dipresentasikan diantaranya YoKrim (olahan es krim dan youghurt), Manggobang (olahan minuman dari buah mangga nanas), Teh Kasingsat, Renbo Sugar dan Saung Pepes. Produk-produk tersebut dinilai oleh para juri dengan kriteria penilai berupa desain kemasan, inovasi produk, keuangan bisnis dan pemasaran.

Juri yang menilai presentasi produk dari para pemuda yang dibina dalam Sekolah Kreatif yaitu Herri Hermawan Chief Operational Officer Rumah Zakat, Yuswohady penulis buku middle class muslim sekaligus principal Creator School, Ahmad Faisal ketua komunitas TDA Jawa barat 1 dan Eggy Anwari seorang desainer grafis.

Chief Operational Officer Rumah Zakat mengapresiasi atas presentasi-presentasi produk dari para pemuda binaan Sekolah Kreatif. “ Selama ini, Rumah Zakat membantu masyarakat secara langsung dalam bentuk modal usaha dan pemberian perlengkapan usaha kepada masyarakat. Program Sekolah Kreatif sangat bagus sekali dan ini menjadi pilot project untuk membangun entrepreneur muda di desa. Pemaparan presentasi produk anak-anak sudah bagus, bila dibina lebih lama maka mereka akan menjadi bibit pengusaha muda yang mampu mengembangkan desa mereka masing-masing,” ungkap Herry.


Newsroom/ Yadi
Bandung[:en]BANDUNG. A total of 20 youth from various regions follow Creative School program built Rumah Zakat Collaboraton with Creative School. After taking coaching and training on entrepreneurship, they make a final presentation of the products of the ideas of each participant in groups at the office of Rumah Zakat Turangga street No 33, Bandung City.

Creative School Rumah Zakat is a human resources development program in the village which Creator School helps to produce entrepreneurs. Through this program, Rumah Zakat and Creator School provide coaching in the form of entrepreneurship training and practice to become the finished product for sale.

“By developing the potential of the village into a business will develop the village itself, especially forming the character of the village entrepreneurs that they are able to succeed in business. I believe Indonesia is great not because of the progress of the city, but because of the progress of the village. Together Rumah Zakat, I pioneered this program (Creative School) to develop village entrepreneurs, “said Yuswohady principal of Creator School.

20 young people who studied for 3 months got coaching at Zakat House Creative School. They come from different areas of Banjaran (Bandung), Buah Batu (Bandung), Subang, Garut and Pangandaran. Thursday (01/02/2018), the participants presented their respective innovation products. Most of them make culinary products that characterize each region with the uniqueness of the products created.

The products presented include YoKrim (processed ice cream and youghurt), Manggobang (processed drinks from pineapple mango), Kasingsat Tea, Renbo Sugar and Saung Pepes. The products are assessed by the judges with assessment criteria of packaging design, product innovation, business finance and marketing.

The judges who evaluated the product presentation from the youths who were trained in Creative Schools are Herry Hermawan Chief Operational Officer of Zakat House, Yuswohady the author of middle class Muslim and Principal Creator School, Ahmad Faisal TDA leader West Java 1, and Eggy Anwari a graphic designer.

Chief Operational Officer of Zakat House appreciates the product presentations from the youth of the Creative School. “So far, Rumah Zakat is helping the community directly in the form of business capital and providing business equipment to the community. The Creative School Program is very good and it is a pilot project to build young entrepreneurs in the village. Presentation of children’s product presentation is good, if they are developed longer then they will become the seeds of young entrepreneurs who are able to develop their own villages, “Herry said.


Newsroom / Yadi