oleh | Apr 28, 2015 | News

RZ LDKO CilegonSEMARANG. Pagi yang cerah di hari Selasa (21/04) lalu, membuat para siswa di SD Juara Semarang bagitu berceria di halaman sekolah. Masing-masing berkelompok di dampingi para guru yang menggunakan setelan batik layaknya pejuang pendidikan dimasa lampau.

Mereka tidak sekedar berkelompok, para siswa juara sedang asyik berlomba. Di ujung lapangan berlarian sedang berlomba bentengan, lompat tali, lomba sulamanda, gobaks odor, bentik, membuat wayang, hingga membuat batik.

Semua itu merupakan upaya untuk menghidupkan permainan tradisional. Sejumlah 140 siswa dan siswi bermain menikmati beragam permainan tradisional tersebut. Tidak kalah seru dengan permainan modern, menstimulus motorik, dan imajinasi.

“Beragam permainan tradisonal tersebut merupakan upaya menyambut hari kartini yang diperingati setiap tanggal 21 April. Pihak SD Juara Semarang sangat berharap anak-anak didiknya bisa belajar banyak dari permainan tradisional. Selain ekonomis, mengajarkan sportivitas, kejujuran, mental yang tangguh, imajinasi, strategi, masih banyak lagi,” tutur Ivan Supangat, selaku Formal Education Indonesia Juara Foundation.***

Newsroom/Erip Saeful

RZ LDKO CilegonSEMARANG. In this age of electronic games and hi tech toys, we often forget that it is often the simplest of inventions that can entertain a child for a long period of time. Although state-of-the-art, high tech computer games are available in Indonesia, such as the ever-popular game cubes, smart phone and iPad game apps, these modern inventions are not affordable for the majority of the population. These games would only be found in the homes of middle to upper class families.

Amongst the economically disadvantaged in society, it is often hard for parents to make enough money to feed their family, so toys are often quite simple or something that has been made by the parent. Fortunately, traditional toys are not expensive and are fun! The toys and the games that are described below are commonly seen and played by Indonesian children today.

Therefore, RZ invited 140 students of SD Juara Semarang to play some traditional games on Tuesday morning (21/4).

In this opportunity, they played some traditional games such as bentengan, lompat tali, sulamanda, gobak sodor, bentik, wayang, mbatik at their school’s yard with teachers.

Ivan Supangat, Formal Education Supervisor of IJF, said that those activities were initiated to revive the culture of Indonesia and traditional games that began to disappear due to modern games. ***

Newsroom/Erip Saeful