[:ID]JAKARTA. Siswa SD Juara Jakarta Timur mengikuti “Daur Ulang Fashion Show Competition 2018,” di Hall Atrium Mall Tamini Square Minggu (25/03). Fira, Lutfi, dan Tya dari kelas 1, Abimanyu dan Zaskia dari kelas 2, Aulia kelas 3 dan Ayla kelas 5, adalah siswa yang mewakili sekolah untuk mengikuti lomba tersebut. Lomba yang diikuti oleh 50 peserta ini digelar dengan tujuan untuk peduli akan sampah dan manfaatnya, serta memancing kreatifitas anak.
Dengan balutan busana yang teruRose summer, Black sweet flower gold, Princess yellow flower, Rose flower, Koboi miror, dan Princees rose sweet black yang dibuat oleh orang tua siswa, siswa juara berkompetisi diatas panggung dengan percaya diri dan semangat walapun mereka hanya berlatih 3 hari saja.
“Alhamdulilah kita bisa iku lomba ini, tidak luput dari semangat dan kompaknya perjuangan orangtua, bahkan rela lembur hingga larut malam demi membuat gaun yang sangat menakjubkan,” ujar Adhes Leoni Armikasari, selaku pelatih fashion show dan juga guru SD Juara Jakarta Timur.
Banyaknya peserta lomba yang penampilannya sangat bagus dan memukau di atas panggung, membuat siswa juara merasa sedih dan merasa kalah. Namun kesedihan mereka terbayar karena Ayla Az Zura salah satu siswa juara berhasil meraih Juara Favorit 1 Daur Ulang Fashion Show Competition 2018.
“Awalnya aku ga yakin ikut lomba ini, karena orang bilang aku jalannya seperti robot, tapi kata bu Adhes pas latihan terakhir, aku udah lumayan jadi aku PD lagi. Dan pas tampil karEna saking gugupnya, hidungku sempat mimisan dan tali sepatuku sampai copot sebelah dari jahitannya, tapi perjuangan ku gak sia-sia. Berkat Allah, guru-guruku, ibunya Abi, ibunya Akbar, ayah, ibuku serta keluarga yang mensuport aku, Alhamdulillah sekali SD Juara menang juara favorit yang diwakili oleh aku. Terima kasih semua untuk dukungannya. Semoga di lain waktu aku bisa dapat kesempatan ini lagi, Aamiiiin.” ujar Ayla.
Fitri Meiany / Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]JAKARTA. Students of SD Juara followed the “Recycling Fashion Show Competition 2018,” at Hall Atrium Mall Tamini Square Sunday (25/03). Fira, Lutfi, and Tya from first grade 1, Abimanyu and Zaskia from second grade, Aulia third grade and Ayla 5th grade, are students representing the school to follow the race. The contest which was attended by 50 participants was held with the aim to care about the waste and its benefits, and improve the creativity of the child.
With summer dress, Black sweet flower gold, Princess yellow flower, Rose flower, Cowboy mirror, and Princes rose sweet black made by parents of students, students compete on stage with confidence and passion even though they only practice 3 days only.
“Alhamdulilah we could participated in this race, I am amazed of the spirit from parent who struggle, even willing to overtime to create a very amazing dress for students,” said Adhes Leoni Armikasari, as a fashion show coach and teacher of SD Juara Jakarta Utara.
The number of race contestants who performed very well and stunning on stage make SD Juara students feel sad and feel defeated. But their sadness paid off because Ayla Az Zura one of the SD Juara students won the 1st Favorite Recycling of Fashion Show Competition 2018.
“At first I was not sure to join this race, because people say I walk like a robot, but bu Adhes words at last practice convinced me that I’ve been pretty so I’m a confidence. I am so nervous, my nose had nosebleeds and my shoe straps to dislodge but my struggle is not wasted. Thanks to the blessings of God, my teachers, Abi’s mother, Akbar ‘s mother, my father, my mother and the family who support me, Alhamdulillah SD Juara won the favorite champion represented by me Thank you all for the support. Hopefully next time I can get another chance, Aamiiiin. ” Ayla said.
Fitri Meiany / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]