oleh | Jul 25, 2017 | News

[:ID]JAKARTA TIMUR. Jumat (21/07), SD Juara Jakarta Timur binaan Rumah Zakat mengadakan rapat sosialisasi program sekolah. Adhes Leoni selaku Learning Suport Unit (LSU) menyampaikan materi “Berjuang bersama membangun kapal peradaban,” sebagai motivasi siswa dan orangtua mensukseskan program pembelajaran di SD Juara Jaktim.

Materi motivasi disampaikan sebagai dorongan untuk menumbuhkan semangat agar para penerima manfaat baik siswa maupun orang tua siswa di SD Juara bisa bertransformasi, dari mustahik menjadi muzakki agar bisa membantu masyarakat umum di masa yang akan datang.

Hari Priyanto selaku wali murid, mengawali rapat dengan membaca surat Al Kahfi. Kemudian dilanjutkan sosialisasi tentang Rumah Zakat oleh Nur Lutfiana, Branch Manager Rumah Zakat Matraman. Rapat ditutup dengan pembacaan doa oleh Lukman Supriyadi, guru tahfidz SD Juara Jaktim.

Pemaparan program dan peraturan sekolah juga disampaikan oleh Fitri Meiany, Wakil Kepala Sekolah. Dan penyampaian pengumuman lainnya oleh Ahmad Kosasi selaku Kepala Sekolah.

Sosialisasi kelas 1 disampaikan oleh Iin Nurfaindah, Wali Kelas 1. Program kelas 5 disampaikan oleh Istiasih, Wali Kelas 5. Dan program kelas 6 disampaikan oleh Syahainurrahmi, Wali Kelas 6.

Jakarta Timur[:en]EAST JAKARTA. Friday (21/07), SD Juara East Jakarta Rumah Zakat held a socialization meeting of school programs. Adhes Leoni as the Learning Support Unit (LSU) delivered the material Speech “Struggling together to build the ship of civilization,” as the motivation of students and parents to succeed the learning program at SD Juara Jaktim.

Motivation material is delivered as an encouragement to grow the spirit so that beneficiaries of both students and parents in SD Juara can be transformed, from mustahik become muzakki in order to help the other community in the future.

Hari Priyanto as the guardian of students started the meeting by reading the letter of Al Kahf. Then continued the socialization of Rumah Zakat by Nur Lutfiana, Branch Manager of Rumah Zakat Matraman. The meeting was closed with a reading of prayer by Lukman Supriyadi, a teacher of tahfidz SD Juara Jaktim.

The exposure of school programs and regulations was also provided by Fitri Meiany, Deputy Principal. And another announcement submitted by Ahmad Kosasi as Principal.

The socialization of the 1st-grade class was delivered by Iin Nurfaindah, Guardian of Class 1. The 5th-grade program was delivered by Istiasih, Guardian of Grade 5. And the 6th-grade program was delivered by Syahainurrahmi, the Grade 6 Guardian.

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