[:ID]CIMAHI. Ada yang berbeda di hari Jum’at (2/11) di SD Juara Cimahi. Jika biasanya hari Jum’at pertama diisi dengan Senam Ceria, tapi kali ini anak-anak dan guru berkumpul di Aula.
Hari ini adalah saat pengumuman hasil penilaian “Championship Set Up Kelas 2018”. Championship Set Up Kelas dimulai sejak awal Semester 1 bulan Juli. Setiap kelas berkreasi untuk menjadikan kelasnya menjadi kelas yang nyaman, rapih, bersih dan indah.
Guru kelas dan siswa membuat satu tema untuk menghias kelasnya. Selanjutnya sesuai tema tersebut secara bertahap mulai melengkapi
kelengkapan kelasnya dan menghiasnya.
Kamis (1/11) kemarin mulai dilakukan penilaian. Penilaian dilakukan oleh Wakil Kepala Sekolah, Ibu Aan dan didampingi dua orang guru yaitu Pa Sofyan dan Pa Jajang.
Saatnya hari ini diumumkan hasil penilaiannya. Saat setiap dokumentasi settingan setiap kelas ditampilkan melalui infocus, ramai anak-anak mengenali kelas mereka. Mereka pun tepuk tangan dan bangga dengan kelasnya.
Tibalah saatnya juara Championship Set Up Kelas diumumkan. Juara 1, 2 dan 3 dari kelas atas dan kelas bawah pun diumumkan. Sorak sorai
anak-anak pun menggelegar baik dari Juara 1, 2 dan 3.
“Alhandulillah, semoga menjadi penyemangat untuk senantiasa menjaga kelasnya agar tetap Nyaman, Rapih, Bersih dan Indah. Di semester 2 kembali akan diselenggarakan lomba K3 untuk setiap kelas, Insya Allah” ujar Wakil Kepala Sekolah SD Juara Cimahi, Suryani.
Jajang Sudarsa/ Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]CIMAHI. There was something different on Friday (11/2) at SD Juara Cimahi. If usually the first Friday is filled with Cheerful Gymnastics, but this time the children and teachers gather in the Hall.
Today is the announcement of the results of the “2018 Class Set Up Championship”. The Championship Class Set-Up starts from the beginning of the 1st Semester in July. Each class is creative to make its class a comfortable, neat, clean and beautiful class.
Class teachers and students make one theme to decorate the class. Next according to the theme gradually began to complete class and decorate it.
Thursday (1/11) the assessment began. The assessment was carried out by Price Principal, Ms. Aan and accompanied by two teachers namely Pa Sofyan and Pa Jajang.
The time for today was announced, when each documentations of the settings for each class is displayed through infocus, there are lots of kids recognizing their class. They applaud and are proud of their class.
The time has come for the Championship Class Set Up champion to be announced. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners from the upper and lower classes were announced. Cheers the children blared from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.
“Alhamdulillah, hopefully it will be an encouragement to always keep the class comfortable, neat, clean and beautiful. In the second semester the K3 competition will be held for each class, Insya Allah,” Vice Principal of SD Juara Cimahi, Aan said.
Jajang Sudarsa / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]