oleh | Apr 1, 2016 | News

CILEGON. Sebelum memulai KBM pada hari Selasa (29/03), wali kelas 2 SD Juara Cilegon memeriksa kebersihan siswa mulai dari kebersihan kuku, kebersihan gigi, dan kebersihan telinga. Siswa berbaris secara rapi, kemudian dipanggil satu per satu oleh guru.

Wali kelas memeriksakan kebersihan siswa secara satu per satu, sambil mengingatkan dan memberikan nasihat kepada siswa. Bagi siswa yang kukunya pSD JUARA CILEGON PERIKSA KEBERSIHAN SISWA SEBELUM KBManjang, harus segera dipotong dengan potongan kuku yang telah disediakan oleh wali kelas. Sedangkan bagi siswa yang gigi dan telinganya belum dibersihkan, wali kelas meminta siswa agar segera dibersihkan ketika sudah pulang.

“Kegiatan memeriksa kebersihan ini, saya lakukan seminggu sekali, agar dapat memantau dan memastikan bahwa siswa selalu menjaga dan merawat kebersihan tubuh mereka. Mulai dari kebersihan kuku, kebersihan gigi, dan kebersihan telinga mereka,” ungkap Mirnawati selaku wali kelas 2 SD Juara Cilegon.

“Dengan selalu menjaga kebersihan, insya Allah tubuh kita akan terhindar dari penyakit, sehingga tubuh kita akan selalu sehat,” lanjutnya kepada para siswa.***

Sumber : JUARA CILEGON PERIKSA KEBERSIHAN SISWA SEBELUM KBM CILEGON. Before starting the lesson on Tuesday (03/29) 2nd grade homeroom teacher of SD Juara Cilegon checked the cleanliness of students ranging from nail, dental and ears cleanliness. Students lined up neatly and then called one by one by the teacher.

Homeroom teacher check the cleanliness of the students one by one, while reminding and giving advice to the students. For students whom nails are long, need to be cut with nail clipper that has been provided by the homeroom teacher. As for students who have not been cleaned teeth and ears, homeroom teacher asked students to clean it when they arrive at home.

“The cleanliness checking activity, I do it once a week, in order to monitor and ensure that students always keep and care for the cleanliness of their bodies. Starting from the nail, dental and cleanliness of their ears, “Mirnawati said as 2nd grade homeroom teacher of SD Juara Cilegon.

“By always maintaining cleanliness, insya Allah, our bodies will be spared from the disease, so the body will be healthy,” She said to the students. ***

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