“Minuman yang paling disukai Rasulullah shalallaahu ‘alaihi wassalam adalah minuman manis yang dingin.”(Diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Abi `Umar, dari Sufyan, dari Ma’mar, dari Zuhairi, dari `Urwah, yang bersumber dari `Aisyah radiyallaahu ‘anha)
[:en]Did you know what the Prophet is consumed in the morning for breakfast? Want to practice for yourself and your family?
Usually we start the morning by eating carbohydrate foods such as bread, rice, potatoes, oats, and the like. But apparently the Prophet used to consume only cold water mixed with honey for breakfast. Maasya Allah.
“The most preferred Drinks of Rasulullah shalallaahu ‘alaihi wassalam is a cold sweet drink.” (Reported by Ibn Abi `Umar, from Sufyan, from Ma’mar, from Zuhairi, from` Urwah, sourced from radiyallaahu `Aisha’ anha)
Of course it should be underlined that the honey is drunk by the prophet is the real honey without added sweeteners or preservatives. So, if we want to imitate him for a family meal, we need to make sure the honey is healthy.
After that, when entering Dhuha time, the Prophet eats other food for breakfast, the 7 Mature dates (ajwa ‘) . The benefits of these dates as he convey in his saying, “He who eats seven grains dates, it will be protected from the poison.”
Source: Ummi-online.com[:]