[:ID]BUOL, Senin (30/09/19) – Alhamdulillah pembangunan sumber air di 34 titik di 29 kabupaten sudah menjangkau kawasan timur Indonesia tepatnya di Desa Tolau, Kecamatan Paleleh, Kabupaten Buol, Sulawesi Tengah. Kemarau panjang yang melanda Indonesia mengakibatkan warga kesulitan mendapatkan air.
Dengan adanya bantuan infrastruktur sarana dan sumber air bersih dari Rumah Zakat, masyarakat desa sepakat untuk membangunnya di samping masjid At Taqwa Desa Tolau.
Infrastruktur air bersih disediakan dengan membuat sumur bor sebagai sumber air, sarana wudhu untuk fasilitas masjid, dan MCK untuk para warga sekitar. Para warga mengucapkan rasa syukur kepada donatur yang sudah menyumbangkan sebagian hartanya untuk wakaf sumber air. Berkat wakaf Sahabat, sarana air bersih tersedia di masjid dan bisa diakses oleh para warga desa.
“Terima kasih Sahabat atas donasi yang telah dititipkan kepada kami. Semoga Allah membalas kebaikannya di dunia sebanyak air yang ada di bumi ini. Semoga ini tidak hanya kebaikan di dunia tetapi menjadi amal kebaikan sampai akhirat.” Ujar salah satu warga Desa Tolau.
Suri Nur / Hanaa Afifah[:en]
BUOL, Monday (09/30/19) – Alhamdulillah currently there is 34 points water source development in 29 districts which have reached eastern Indonesia precisely in Tolau Village, Paleleh District, Buol Regency, Central Sulawesi. The long drought that has hit Indonesia has made it difficult for residents to get water.
With the help of infrastructure facilities and sources of clean water from Rumah Zakat, the villagers agreed to build it next to the At Taqwa mosque in Tolau Village.
Clean water infrastructure is provided by making bore wells as a source of water ablution for mosque facilities, and toilets for local residents. Residents expressed gratitude to donors who have donated part of their assets to endowments for water sources. Thanks to Sahabat waqf, clean water facilities are available at the mosque and can be accessed by villagers.
“Thank you, Friend, for the donation that has been deposited with us. May Allah repay his kindness in the world as much water as there is on this earth. Hopefully, this is not the only good deed in the world but will be a good deed until the hereafter. “Said one of the residents of Tolau Village.
Suri Nur / Hanaa Afifah[:]