oleh | Sep 25, 2019 | News

[:ID]PEKANBARU, Ahad (22/09) – Ini safe house sehari-hari yang digunakan para pengungsi. Disini biasa diisi kegiatan menghafal quran oleh 18 anak-anak santri pengungsi yang 16 diantaranya yatim. Bahkan ada yang baru dua pekan ayahnya meninggal.

Mereka anak-anak kuat dan hebat apalagi ustadzah-ustadzahnya. Meski asap mereka tetap menjaga sholat dan hafalannya.

Mereka datang dari Griya Pondok Tahfidz Darul Quran Muara Fajar, Pekanbaru, Riau. Sebenarnya masih ada 15 orang santri putra di pondok. Tapi kata mereka kepada Ustadzah Rina penanggungjawab Griya, “Kami kan anak-anak besar Umi, Insya Allah kuat. Biarlah adik-adik yang di Griya saja yang mengungsi.” ujar salah satu santri.

“Saya hanya menahan desakan air mata sekuat tenaga setelah mendengar kisah tersebut. Entah rasa apa yang muncul. Tapi semua menjadi satu. Semoga Allah kuatkan kami menjaga mereka di Safe House.” ungkap Emi Susanti, coordinator Safe House dan Posko Kesehatan Rumah Zakat Pekanbaru penuh haru.


Abdullah Tsabit / Hanaa Afifah[:en]

PEKANBARU, Sunday (09/22) – This is the daily safe house used by the refugees. Currently filled with voices memorizing the Quran by 18 children of refugee students, 16 of which are orphans. In fact, there is a child who only two weeks ago his father died.

They are strong and great children especially their teacher. Despite the smoke, they still keep their prayers and memorization.

They come from Griya Pondok Tahfidz Darul Quran Muara Fajar, Pekanbaru, Riau. Actually there are still 15 male students at the boarding school. But they said to Teacher or Ustadzah Rina in charge of Griya, “We are Umi’s big children, Isha Allah, we are strong. Let the sisters in Griya evacuate.” said one of the students.

“I only held back the tears from my heart after hearing the story. I wonder what emotions emerged, but all become one. May Allah strengthen us to protect them in the Safe House.” Said Emi Susanti, the coordinator of the Safe House and the Health Center for the Rumah Zakat Pekanbaru, full of emotions.


Abdullah Tsabit / Hanaa Afifah[:]