[:ID]KEPOHBARU, Ahad (22/09/19) – Rumah Zakat melalui Fasilitator Desa Berdaya telah menyalurkan sekitar 16.000 liter air bersih kepada warga yang membutuhkan akibat dampak kemarau terutama bagi warga di kawasan Sidomukti.
Ada sejumlah titik di Desa Sidomukti yang mengalami kekeringan dan membutuhkan air bersih, salah satu warga yang di salurkan air bersih adalah RT 01, 02, 03, 04 dan beberapa titik di Desa Sidomukti , Kec. Kepohbaru, Kab. Bojonegoro Jawa Timur.
Azis selaku sekretaris Desa Sidomukti menyebutkan bahwa kondisi kemarau yang sudah berlangsung hampir tiga bulan terakhir membuat sumur warga kekeringan.
Sumur warga, kata azis mengalami kekeringan sehingga warga membutuhkan suplai air bersih terutama di Desa Sidomukti. “Kita berharap agar kemarau panjang dapat berakhir dan hujan turun sehingga sumur warga kembali berair. Terima kasih Rumah Zakat.” kata Azis.
Muslih Wahid / Hanaa Afifah[:en]
KEPOHBARU, Sunday (09/22/19) – Rumah Zakat through the Facilitator Village Facilitator has distributed around 16,000 liters of clean water to residents in need due to the effects of drought, especially for residents in the Sidomukti area.
There are a number of points in Sidomukti Village that are experiencing drought and need clean water. The residents that are distributed with clean water are RT 01, 02, 03, 04 and several points in Sidomukti Village, Kec. Kepohbaru, Kab. Bojonegoro, East Java.
Azis, as the secretary of Sidomukti village, said that the drought conditions that have been going on for almost three months have caused wells to dry.
The residents’ well, said Azis, experienced a drought so that the residents needed clean water supply, especially in Sidomukti Village. “We hope that the long dry season will end and the rain will come down so that the community’s well will return to be filled with water. Thank you Rumah Zakat.” said Azis.
Muslim Wahid / Hanaa Afifah[:]