Kesultanan Utsmaniyah telah menjadi penjaga tiga situs suci umat Islam sejak berabad-abad lalu. Kondisi Makkah, Madinah, dan Yerusalem dulu menjadi bukti bahwa mereka adalah pelayan Islam yang sebenarnya.
Mekah dan Madinah adalah dua kota yang pertama kali mengecap indahnya Islam. Sementara Yerusalem dirangkul penuh selama periode kekhalifahan kedua setelah Nabi Muhammad SAW wafat.
Khalifah Umar bin Khattab menjadi orang yang dipercaya memegang kunci Yerusalem. Di bawah kekuasaannya, penduduk kota suci tersebut hidup dalam perdamaian.
Ini berawal saat pasukan Muslim dibawah komando Abu Ubayda mengepung Yerusalem setelah mengambil alih Damaskus dalam Perang Yarmuk. Saat itu, Yerusalem didominasi oleh umat Kristiani.
Patriark kota Yerusalem saat itu, Sophronius dengan tegas mengatakan, ia hanya ingin bernegosiasi dengan Khalifah Umar. Tidak ada yang boleh masuk Yerusalem siapa pun sebelum ia bertemu Khalifah Umar.
Mengetahui hal ini, Umar pun pergi ke Yerusalem ditemani oleh seorang asisten. Menempuh perjalanan ke Yerusalem, Umar mengendarai satu unta. Secara bergantian, ia dan asistennya naik unta tersebut.
Saat hendak mencapai Yerusalem, Umar berjalan kaki karena saat itu giliran sang asisten naik unta. Sang pelayan khalifah ini pun memaksa Umar saja yang naik unta. Dengan tegas ia menolak.
Saat itu, seluruh penduduk Yerusalem melihat Umar datang dengan unta yang ditunggangi pelayannya. Semua orang takjub. Patriark Sophronius pun terkaget-kaget dengan pemandangan itu.
Ia tidak menyangka pria dengan pakaian sangat sederhana dan membiarkan untanya ditunggangi pelayannya adalah panglima pasukan yang menaklukan kota. Umat Kristiani yang menonton dari dinding-dinding Yerusalem pun terkesima.
Negosiasi antara Umar dan Sophronius pun dilangsungkan dan terkenal dengan sebutan Umariyya Covenant. Hingga kini, kesepakatan itu masih disimpan di Gereja Suci Sepulchre di Yerusalem.
Dalam kesepakatan, umat Kristen meminta Yahudi dilarang masuk Yerusalem dan Umar menyanggupinya. Umar pun menjamin keamanan dan keselamatan seluruh umat di Yerusalem, apa pun kepercayaan mereka.
Semua tempat suci umat Kristen dijaga dan tidak boleh dihancurkan. Setelah kesepakatan, kunci kota Yerusalem resmi diserahkan pada 637 SM. Gerbang Yerusalem pun terbuka dan Khalifah Umar dijamu di Gereja Suci Sepulchre.
Saat di dalam, Patriark menawarkan jika Umar ingin berdoa. Umar menolak dengan alasan ia khawatir umat Islam nanti akan mengikutinya. Alih-alih, ia shalat di area selatan gereja yang kemudian menjadi Masjid Umar di Yerusalem.
Saat itu, Umar sedang menunjukkan arti toleransi dan kemenangan yang sesungguhnya. Kebesaran Islam menerangi jiwa kepemimpinan Umar hingga direfleksikan dari caranya memperlakukan wilayah jajahan.
Sumber : republika.co.id[:en]The Ottoman Empire has been the guardian of three Muslim holy sites since centuries ago. The conditions of Makkah, Medina, and Jerusalem used to prove that they are true servants of Islam.
Mecca and Medina are the first two cities to taste the beauty of Islam. While Jerusalem was fully embraced during the second caliphate period after Prophet Muhammad SAW died.
Caliph Umar bin Khattab became the man who was believed to hold the keys of Jerusalem. Under his rule, the inhabitants of the holy city live in peace.
It started when the Muslim forces under Abu Ubayda’s command surrounded Jerusalem after taking over Damascus in the Yarmuk War. At that time, Jerusalem was dominated by Christians.
Patriarch of the city of Jerusalem at the time, Sophronius firmly said, he just wanted to negotiate with Caliph Umar. No one was allowed to enter Jerusalem anyone before he met the Caliph Umar.
Knowing this, Umar went to Jerusalem accompanied by an assistant. On a journey to Jerusalem, Umar drove a camel. Alternately, he and his assistant ride the camel.
As he was about to reach Jerusalem, Umar was on foot because it was the assistant’s turn to ride the camel. The servant of the Caliph also forced Umar to ride the camel. Firmly he refused.
At that time, all the inhabitants of Jerusalem saw Umar coming with a camel ridden by his servant. Everyone was amazed. Patriarch Sophronius was shocked by the sight.
He did not expect a man with very modest clothes and let his camel be ridden by his servant was the army commander who conquered the city. Christians who watched from the walls of Jerusalem were amazed.
The negotiations between Umar and Sophronius took place and became known as Umariyya Covenant. Until now, the deal is still kept in the Holy Church of Sepulcher in Jerusalem.
In agreement, Christians ask Jews to be banned from entering Jerusalem and Umar agrees. Umar ensured the security and salvation of all the people in Jerusalem, whatever their faith.
All Christian shrines are guarded and should not be destroyed. After the agreement, the key city of Jerusalem was officially handed over in 637 BC. The gate of Jerusalem was opened and the Caliph Umar was entertained in the Sepulcher Church.
While inside, the Patriarch offers if Umar wants to pray. Umar refused on the grounds that he was worried that Muslims would follow him. Instead, he prayed in the southern area of the church which later became the Omar Mosque in Jerusalem.
At that time, Umar was showing the true meaning of tolerance and victory. The greatness of Islam illuminates the soul of Umar’s leadership until it is reflected in the way it treats the colonies.
Source : republika.co.id[:]