[:ID]PANTON LABU. RZ Aceh menurunkan Tim ke perbatasan Aceh Utara dengan Aceh timur untuk menyalurkan Bantuan Ekonomi yang telah dititipkan oleh donatur ke RZ untuk disalurkan ke M. Gadee. Pada Sabtu (17/09) tim RZ menuju Desa Meunasah Blang – Kecamatan Langkahan Aceh Utara, lebih kurang 20 KM dari Panton Labu.
Saat tim RZ sampai di tujuan, M. Gadee langsung tersenyum lebar seraya menyapa tim RZ. Rumah M. Gadee sudah tak layak pakai namun masih ditempati 5 orang, yaitu istri dan anak-anaknya. Rumah beratap rembia, lantai tanah, dinding dari pelepah rembia yang sudah lapuk sekali dan tanpa listrik.
Setelah menyalurkan bantuan ke M.Gadee, terlihat beliau bersyukur sekali. Raut wajahnya bersinar. Istrinya yang baru 28 hari melahirkan turut bahagia, ucapan terima kasih berkali-kali beliau ucapkan.
“Terima kasih RZ, bantuannya sangat bermanfaat bagi keluarga saya. Semoga RZ sukses selalu.” ungkap M. Gadee haru.
Panton Labu[:en]PANTON LABU. RZ Aceh deployed team to the border area with the North Aceh and east Aceh to channel Economic assistance that has been entrusted by donors to RZ to be distributed to M. Gadee. On Saturday (09/17) RZ team went to Meunasah Blang Langkahan District, approximately 20 kilometers from Panton Labu.
When RZ team reached the destination, M. Gadee immediately smiled broadly as he greeted RZ team. M. Gadee’s house is not appropriate to be a place to stayed, but he and five other people (wife and his children) still stay in the house,. Rembia roofed house, the ground floor, walls made of rembia midrib has rotted completely and without electricity.
After delivering assistance to M.Gadee, he looked grateful and happy. His wife who just gave birth 28-days ago is also happy, thank you many times, he said.
“Thanks RZ, the assistance is very beneficial for my family. Hopefully RZ is always success.” Said M. Gadee moved
Panton Labu[:]