oleh | Des 23, 2016 | Mitra Korporat, News

[:ID]rz-dan-tower-bersama-group-bantu-korban-banjir-di-bimaBIMA. Banjir bandang yang terjadi di Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat (21/12) telah menyebabkan ribuan rumah di 5 kecamatan di Kota Bima terendam banjir. Akibatnya, ribuan warga terpaksa mengungsi di posko-posko pengungsian. Tak hanya itu, pusat kota Bima pun mengalami kelumpuhan sebab seluruh aliran listrik padam dan jalananan dipenuhi puing-puing bangunan paska banjir surut kemarin (22/12).

“Menurut walikota Bima, untuk saat ini kebutuhan yang sangat diperlukan berupa persediaan air bersih, pakaian bekas, makan pokok seperti mie instan, biskuit, air mineral, dan lain – lain. Adapun agenda pembersihan area bekas banjir akan dilaksanakan mulai Jumat (23/12) ini,” jelas Repi, Relawan RZ.

Sebagai bentuk kepedulian, RZ telah mengirimkan 4 orang Relawan Sumbawa ke kota Bima kemarin (22/12). Keempat Relawan merupakan tim pertama yang bertugas untuk membantu evakuasi sekaligus melakukan assessment kebutuhan di lapangan.
“Kami telah berkoordinasi dengan Sekda Kota Bima, Kepala BPBD Kota Bima dan kepala logistik banjir Kota Bima untuk penyaluran bantuan bagi warga terdampak banjir,” ungkap Repi.

Relawan RZ membawa bantuan logistik berupa air mineral, biskuit, pakaian layak, pampers dan juga buku tulis.
“Ini bantuan logistik tahap awal yang kami bawa kemarin (22/12). Kami juga sedang mempersiapkan bantuan lainnya yang akan dibawa oleh tim kedua. Tim kedua ini akan membawa bantuan medis dan logistik seperti kornet Superqurban, makanan bayi dan tambahan pakaian untuk pengungsi,” ujar Repi.

Sementara itu, PT Tower Bersama Group bersinergi dengan RZ juga pagi ini (23/12) mengirimkan bantuan medis berupa Mobil Klinik Keliling beserta petugas medis dari Kediri melalui jalur laut.
“Salah satu dampak banjir bandang adalah banyaknya warga yang terluka dan sakit, maka kami akan mengirimkan Mobil Klinik dengan fasilitas lengkap dan petugas medisnya untuk memberikan layanan kesehatan di sana,” terang Ajeng, Project Monitoring and Evaluation RZ.

Newsroom/Ria Arianti
Bima[:en]rz-dan-tower-bersama-group-bantu-korban-banjir-di-bimaBIMA.Flood that occurred in Bima, West Nusa Tenggara (12/12) has led to thousands of homes in five districts in Bima flooded. As a result, thousands of people were displaced in evacuation post. Not only that, Bima city center is not functioning because the power supply outaged and the road filled with rubble after the flood receded yesterday (12/22).

“According to the mayor Bima, for the time being an indispensable requirement in the form of clean water supplies, clothing, staple food such as instant noodles, biscuits, mineral water, and others. The agenda to cleanup the flooded area will take place from Friday (12/23), “explained Repi, RZ Volunteer.
As a form of awareness, RZ has sent 4 Sumbawa Volunteers to Bima yesterday (12/22). Fourth Volunteers are the first team on duty to assist with the evacuation and conduct the assessment of the needs in the field.
“We have coordinated with Secretary of Bima, Head of BPBD Bima and head of logistics of flood the on aid for the people affected by the floods,” said Repi.

Volunteers RZ brought logistical support in the form of mineral water, biscuits, clothing, diapers and notebooks.
“It’s early stages logistical support which we brought yesterday (12/22). We are also preparing other assistance that will be taken by the second teams. This second team will bring medical and logistical assistance such as corned SuperQurban, baby food and extra clothing for the refugees, “said Repi.

Meanwhile, PT Tower Bersama Group in synergy with RZ this morning (12/23) sent medical aid in the form of Mobile Clinic car along with the medical officer of Kediri by sea.
“One of the effects of flash floods is the number of wounded and sick people, then we will send Mobile Clinic car with full facilities and medical personnel to provide health services there,” said Maya, RZ Project Monitoring and Evaluatio.

Newsroom/Ria Arianti