BANDUNG. Kekurangan sumber mata air yang bersih dan tetap ada menjadi satu kebutuhan primer bagi warga Kp. Ciawitali, Desa Pasirhuni, Kec. Cimaung, Kabupaten Bandung. Kondisi daerah tersbut berada di dataran tinggi sehingga perlu menggali lebih dalam mata air nya dan apabila saat musim kemarau kadang sumber mata air kering.
Melihat kondisi tersebut, satu keluarga besar dari Arab Saudi menitipkan amanahnya kepada RZ dalam program pembuatan sumur bor di Kampung tersebut. Proses pembuatan sumur bor mulai dilakukan pada tanggal 29 Februari 2016 dan selesai pada tanggal 5 Maret 2016 dengan kedalaman mencapai 22 m.
Pada Senin (07/03) kemarin, dilakukan serah terima acara secara simbolis dari donatur kepada perwakilan warga. Acara dimulai dari pukul 13.00 – 14.30 diawali dengan pembukaan, tilawah Al Qur’an oleh anak-anak PAUD serta penampilan kreasi seni. Dalam acara tersebut turut dihadiri oleh Kepala Desa, Perwakilan RZ, Donatur, yang turut memberikan sambutannya.
“Kami harapkan adanya fasilitas sumur bor ini benar-benar bermanfaat bagi masyarakat dan umat sehingga dapat digunakan semaksimal mungkin,” ungkap perwakilan donatur di hadapan semua warga yang hadir.
Setelah itu dilakukan serah terima secara simbolis kepada perwakilan warga yaitu kepala desa bapak Dadang Setia Permana.
Dan diakhir acara ditampilkan kreasi seni khas kampung tersebut “Beluk Engko”, yang merupakan kesenian langka Sunda buhun yang masih bertahan hingga sekarang. “Terima kasih kepada keluarga donatur yang jauh dari Arab Saudi yang telah peduli kepada kami di Indonesia, semoga Allah membalas kebaikan yang berlipat” tutur bapak Dadang Setia Permana saat sambutannya.
Selain di Bandung, bantuan tersebut juga diimplementasikan di Kabupaten Garut, Cianjur, dan Sumedang yang saat ini masih dalam tahap proses pengerjaan.***
BandungBANDUNG. Clean water sources is primary need for citizens of Ciawitali village, Pasirhuni sub-district, Cimaung district, Bandung regency. The area located in the highlands so we need to dig deeper into wellspring and sometimes during the drought, the water sources dry as well.
Seeing these conditions, a large family of Saudi Arabia entrust their mandate to RZ in well bore program in the village. The process of making the well bore started on February 29, 2016 and was completed on March 5, 2016 at a depth of 22 m.
On Monday (07/03), the symbolic handover ceremony was held, the hand over done by donator to representatives of the residents. The event started at 13:00 to 14:30 began with the opening, the Qur’an recitations by children from early childhood school as well as the art performance. The event was also attended by the Village Head, RZ Representative, Donators who also gave the speech.
“Hopefully the well bore facility is really beneficial for the community and the people so that it can be used appropriately” said representatives of the donator in the presence of all the people who were present.
After that the ceremony of symbolic handover from donator to representatives of the residents that is the village head Mr. Dadang Setia Permana was carried out,”Beluk Engko” the typical art creation performed to end the ceremony. Beluk Engko is a rare art of Sunda Buhun that still survive until today. “Thanks to the family of the donator who is far from Saudi Arabia who care about us in Indonesia, may Allah repay what you have done” said Mr. Dadang Setia Permana in his speech.
Besides in Bandung, this aid is implemented also in Garut, Cianjur, and Sumedang which is currently still under construction. ***