BANDUNG. RZ bekerja sama dengan PT. TBG (Tower Bersama Grup) membentuk Aksi Bangun Sehat untuk membantu warga di lokasi banjir. Aksi Bangun Sehat Bersama Mobil Klinik TBG Jawa Barat dilaksanakan di lokasi Banjir Desa Dayeuh Kolot Kecamatan Dayeuh Kolot, Kabupaten Bandung. Aksi hari ini dilaksanakan di Kantor Desa Dayeuh Kolot Jl. Mochammad Rahmat Djajadinata, Kec. Dayeuh Kolot, Kabupaten Bandung.
Layanan kesehatan yang diberikan berupa penyuluhan kesehatan, pemeriksaan kesehatan umum, cek metabolik, pemeriksaan USG bagi Ibu Hamil, dan pemberian obat-obatan. Selain itu kami juga memberikan vitamin dan makanan tambahan bagi balita dan ibu hamil. Kegiatan yang di hadiri juga oleh Regional Manager TBG Jawa Barat Bapak Arifyanto dan Supervisor bapak Taufan mendapatkan respon yang positif, dan mampu memberikan manfaat kepada 160 penerima manfaat.
“Ini merupakan bagian dari kepedulian PT TBG kepada masyarakat korban banjir apalagi mereka sudah dilanda duka akibat musibah banjir sehingga penyakit yang diderita warga bermacam macam,” papar bapak Yayan, Kepala desa Dayeuh Kolot.
Sedangkan hasil pemaparan dr. Nurul Uyun dan dr. Arif Rahman Hakim diagnosis yang paling dominan yakni Dermatitis yang diakibatkan oleh air banjir. Selain ada diagnosis ISPA yang diakibatkan pada pola tidur, cuaca yang tidak stabil serta pola makan yang tidak teratur.***
BandungBANDUNG. RZ in cooperation with PT. TBG (Tower Bersama Group) formed ‘Bangun Sehat’ Action to help residents in flood areas. ‘Bangun Sehat’ Action with Mobile Clinic TBG West Java were performed in the flood area namely Dayeuh kolot village Dayeuh kolot District, Bandung regency. The action action was held at the dayeuh kolot village office Jl. Mochammad Djajadinata Rahmat, Dayeuh kolot district, Bandung regency.
The medical care provided in the form of health education, public health inspection, metabolic check, ultrasound examination for pregnant women, and the provision of drugs. In addition we also provide vitamins and food supplements for infants and pregnant women. Activity which was attended also by TBG West Java Regional Manager Mr. Arifyanto and the Supervisor Mr. Taufan get a positive response, and able to provide benefits to 160 beneficiaries.
“This is a form of caring community from PT TBG to flood victims especially to those who already experienced grief due to floods and residents suffered from various illness” said Mr. Yayan, village head of Dayeuh Kolot.
While according to the information from dr. Nurul Uyun and dr. Arif Rahman Hakim most dominant diagnosis of the residents are dermatitis caused by flood waters. Besides dermatitis I was found that some residents suffer from ARI caused by sleep pattern, unstable whether and irregular eating patterns. ***