oleh | Agu 19, 2016 | News

[:ID]RZ BANTU WARGA TERDAMPAK BANJIR BANDANG DI KABUPATEN TRENGGALEKTRENGGALEK. Banjir bandang 8 Desa di Kecamatan Gandusari Kabupaten Trenggalek. Hujan deras yang berlangsung pada Selasa (16/08) pukul 21.00 WIB hingga Rabu pagi telah menyebabkan Sungai Tawing meluap sehingga merendam desa-desa di Kecamatan Gandusari terendam banjir bandang. Puncak banjir terjadi pada Rabu (17/08) pukul 04.00 – 07.00 WIB dengan tinggi banjir antara 50 – 150 cm.

Pada pukul 13.30 WIB sebagian banjir mulai surut di beberapa wilayah.

Banjir menyebabkan sekitar 4.991 rumah terendam banjir setinggi 50 – 150 cm. Berikut sebaran rumah warga yang terendam banjir adalah:

– Ds. Jajar 200 KK

– Ds  Ngrayung 152 KK
– Ds  Sukorejo  970 KK
– Ds Wonorejo 2503
– Ds  Gandusari 500 KK
– Ds  Wonoanti 120 KK
– Ds Widoro 275 KK
– Ds Karanganyar 250 KK
– Ds Melis 11 KK
– Ds Krandegan 10 KK
– Ds Sukorame nihil

Selain itu, banjir juga merendam lahan pertanian yang rusak terdiri dari 48 hektar yaitu 40 ha Ds Krandegan, 6 ha Ds Karangan
yar dan 2 ha Ds Widoro.

Dengan demikian RZ menyalurkan bantuan ke Desa Gandusari Kec. Gandusari pada Rabu (17/08) yang berupa 80 kaleng Kornet Superqurban, 73 nasi bungkus, 103 paket pembersih (sabun cuci, pembersih lantai, sabun cuci piring), 3 box biskuit dan 15 buah alat pembersih (sorok dan alat pel).

Di penyaluran bantuan tahap kedua dilakukan pada keesokan harinya (18/08) di Pucung Gandusari, Kecamatan Gandusari Kab. Trenggalek. Dalam kesempatan tersebut disalurkan
75 nasi bungkus, 1 box biskuit, 1 box sabun cuci piring, 5 buah alat pembersih.

“Saat tim RZ sampai ditempat, air mulai surut tetapi sebagian wilayah masih tergenang air, tingginya bervariasi, yg tertinggi mencapai 1 meter.” ujar Mirna, Relawan RZ Kediri yang ikut menyalurkan bantuan.

Trenggalek[:en]RZ BANTU WARGA TERDAMPAK BANJIR BANDANG DI KABUPATEN TRENGGALEKTRENGGALEK.Flash floods that hit 8 villages in Gandusari subdistrict Trenggalek district. It happened because of Heavy rains that took place on Tuesday (08/16) at 21:00 pm until Wednesday morning had caused Tawing river to overflow and made the village Gandusari subdistrict in submerged in flood. Flood peak occurred on Wednesday (17/08) at 4:00 a.m. to 07:00 a.m with a flood height between 50-150 cm.

At 01:30 pm most of the flood began to recede in some areas.

Flooding causes about 4,991 homes were flooded as high as 50-150 cm. Here is the data of homes were flooded :

– Ds. Jajar 200 families
– Ds ngrayung 152 families
– Ds 970 Sukorejo families
– Ds Wonorejo 2503 families
– Ds Gandusari 500 families
– Ds Wonoanti 120 families
– Ds 275 Widoro families
– Ds Karanganyar 250 families
– Ds Melis 11 families
– Ds Krandegan 10 families
– Ds Sukorame – no

In addition, the floods also submerge farmlands consists of 48 hectares of which 40 ha in Krandegan vuillage, 6 ha yar village and 2 ha Widoro village.

Thus RZ channelled aid to Gandusari village Gandusari subdistrict on Wednesday (17/08) in the form of 80 cans of SuperQurban corned, 73 rice packets, 103 packets cleanser (soap, floor cleaners, dishwashing soap), 3 boxes of biscuits and 15 pieces cleaning tool (sorok and mops).

In the second stage of aid distribution conducted in the next day (08/18) in Pucung Gandusari, Gandusari subdistrict, Trenggalek regency. On the occasion channeled 75 cooked rice, 1 box of biscuits, 1 box of dish soap, 5 pieces cleaning tools

“When RZ team arrived, the water started receding but some areas still under water, the height varies, and the highest is 1 meter high.” Said Mirna, Volunteers of RZ Kediri who participated in distributing aid
