oleh | Jun 4, 2015 | News

RZ LDKO CilegonPADANG. (23/05). Program penguatan GMP merupakan bagian dari intervensi program bantuan kewirausahaan yang digunakan untuk mendukung usaha member RZ untuk bisa lebih sehat, bersih, rapi asri dan higienis terkait proses produksi dan tempat usaha.

Bu Yuliarni mendapatkan bantuan penguatan GMP untuk merapikan tempat usaha berupa pembuatan plafon/loteng, cat dinding, dan membersihkan alat-alat usaha. Kedai buk yuliarni berada di tepi jalan lintas Andalas sehingga sangat strategis untuk bisa di rapikan dan dibersihkan. Karena kedai bu Yuliarni sudah merupakan hak milik buk yuliarni bukan lagi kedai yang dikontrakkan.

Setelah mendapatkan bantuan ini diharapkan tempat usaha buk yuliarni yang lebih dikenal SBY (Sambal mBak Yuli) bisa lebih layak untuk melayani pelanggan.

“Alhamdulillah kedai tempat saya berusaha bisa mendapat bantuan perbaikan dari RZ supaya tampilan jadi lebih menarik. Terima kasih RZ, semoga rezki makin bertambah,” tutur Yuliarni (48 thn).***

Newsroom/Yosef F

RZ LDKO CilegonPADANG. GMP or Good Manufacturing Practice is a program provided for members of RZ Micro Entrepreneur Community. It focuses in the improvement of customer service orientation and production process.

This program is initiated to support the members in understanding the importance of maintain the cleanliness of the production process as well as the standard of service to consumers.

Theoretically, Good manufacturing practices (GMP) are the practices required in order to confirm the guidelines recommended by agencies that control authorization and licensing for manufacture and sale of food, drug products, and active pharmaceutical products.

These guidelines provide minimum requirements that a pharmaceutical or a food product manufacturer must meet to assure that the products are of high quality and do not pose any risk to the consumer or public.

Saturday (23/5), entrepreneurship trainer of RZ visited an ecopreneur member of RZ in Andalas, Padang, West Sumatra, named Yuliarni. In this opportunity, RZ helped the reinforcement of her business through the renovation of her stall and production tools renewal.

RZ expected that the GMP reinforcement in Yuliarni’s stall could enhance her income and business image. ***

Newsroom/Yosef F