oleh | Jun 18, 2014 | News

RZ Aceh Summer campACEH. RZ cabang Aceh bersama Psikodista menggelar Summer Camp RZ 2014 di Desa Suka Makmur, Kec. Saree Aceh Besar, Minggu (15/6). Acara ini diikuti 48 Anak Juara RZ.

Antusias yang tinggi ditunjukan oleh Anak Juara yang mengikuti acara ini. Para peserta dibagi kedalam 3 grup, setiap grup memiliki nama unik masing-masing. Kekompakan tim sangat dituntut pada setiap kegiatan outbond dan lomba-lomba yang digelar. Outbond terdiri dari: Flying fox, tac tic bom, trouble rope, bom ball, dan junggle traking. Event Summer Camp kali ini juga diisi dengan lomba memasak dan lomba gathering tree.

Kegiatan ini ditujukan untuk me-refresh semangat Anak Juara pra liburan semester akhir. Acara ini diakhiri dengan pembagian hadiah kepada Anak Juara yang memenangkan beragam perlombaan yang digelar.***

Newsroom/Ali Ibrahim
RZ Aceh Summer campBANDA ACEH. Aceh RZ Branch Office and Psikodista held a Summer Camp in Saree, Aceh Besar, on Sunday (15/6). The program was attended by 48 students from Aceh.

The students showed their interest and enthusiastic during the implementation of Summer Camp 2014. In this camp, the students were divided into 3 groups and each group has a unique name. On the other hand, the group members solidarity were examined through various games and out bound such as Flying fox, tac tic bom, trouble rope, boom ball, and jungle tracking.

In addition, this year Summer Camp also provided cooking and gathering tree competition. This program aimed to refresh students’ spirit before the holiday. The program was closed by the distribution of gifts to the winner of competition.

Newsroom/Ali Ibrahim
RZ Aceh Summer camp