oleh | Nov 5, 2018 | News

[:ID]SUKABUMI. ”Terima kasih Rumah Zakat, kornetnya enak. Baru pertama masak kornet, cuman taunya di televisi” ucap tim 2 lomba memasak Ibu Entin (38th), Ibu Lina (40th), dan Ibu Tini (30th).

Derasnya sungai, tingginya bukit, curamnya lembah bukan penghalang untuk melaksanakan Ekspedisi Bhakti Relawan selama 3 hari 2 malam di Kampung Ciloma Desa Cibitung Kecamatan Cibitung Kab Sukabumi (19-21/10).

Ekspedisi meliputi kegiatan Bhakti pendidikan (mengajar), menyaluran Iqra dan Quran, Bakti sosial, penyuluhan kesehatan, ekspedisi super qurban sekaligus lomba memasak kornet yang diikuti ibu-ibu dari Kampung Ciloma.

Antusias warga terlihat saat ada nenek berusia 95 tahun yang rela berjalan jauh menggunakan tongkat untuk melakukan pemeriksaan
kesehatan. Tidak hanya itu, salah satu warga berkata pada relawan untuk segera melihat seorang kakek di kampung sebelah yang tidak bisa berjalan menuju lokasi pemeriksaan. Tim medis sigap sedia merespon segera.

Tim Relawan juga mengunjungi tempat pengajian yang ada di kampung ciloma. Karena tidak adanya sekolah madrasah, anak-anak di kampung ini dibekali ilmu agama dengan mengaji setiap malam. Alhamdulillah, dalam ekspedisi ini, total sejumlah 200 orang yang menjadi penerima manfaat.

“Terima kasih Relawan Rumah Zakat atas kedatangannya ke kampung Ciloma dan berkegiatan di kampung kami. Semoga bisa kembali lagi
berkegiatan di tempat kami dan memberikan keseruan untuk para warga,” ujar Bapak Samsudin/Abeng (43) ketua RT kp Ciloma.

Shintya / Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]SUKABUMI. “Thank you Rumah Zakat, the corned beef is delicious. Just cooking corned beef for the first time, I only know corned beef from television, “said the team of 2 cooking contests, Ms. Entin (38), Ms. Lina (40 years), and Mrs. Tini (30 years).

The swift river, the height of the hill, the steep valley is not a barrier to carry out Volunteer Bhakti Expeditions for 3 days 2 nights in Kampung Ciloma, Cibitung Village, Cibitung District, Sukabumi District (19-21 / 10).

The expedition included educational activities (teaching), distribution of Iqra and Quran, social services, health education, super qurban expeditions as well as corned cooking contests which were followed by mothers from Kampung Ciloma.

Enthusiastic residents were seen when there was a 95-year-old grandmother who was willing to walk long distances using a cane to do health examination.

Not only that, one of the residents said to the volunteer to immediately see a grandfather in the next village who could not walk to the inspection location. The medical team is ready to respond immediately.

The Volunteer Team also visited a mosque in the village of Ciloma. Because there is no madrasa school, the children in this village are equipped with religious knowledge by learn Quran every night. Alhamdulillah, in this expedition, a total of 200 people became beneficiaries.

“Thank you Rumah Zakat Volunteers for coming to Ciloma village and doing activities in our village. Hope you can come back again doing activities in our place and giving excitement to the citizens, “said Mr. Samsudin / Abeng (43) chairman of RT kp Ciloma.



Shintya / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]