[:ID]BANJARMASIN. Jumat siang (16/03) Relawan Rumah Zakat tiba di lokasi banjir di desa Tanah Habang, kecamatan Mataraman, Banjarmasin. Pada saat Relawan tiba, kondisi air di desa Tanah Habang RT 04 sudah mulai surut. Saat banjir, ketinggian air hampir mencapai satu setengah meter lebih, namun rumah warga yang terendam hanya sekitar 10 hingga 20 centimeter saja, karena rumah warga hampir semuanya berbentuk panggung.
Penyebab banjir dikarenakan curah hujan yg tinggi di daerah pegunungan meratus, dikaki gunung ini mengalir sungai beberapa kawasan di Kabupaten Banjar.
Beruntung dua hari terakhir tidak terjadi hujan lebat di daerah hulu sungai, sehingga air sungai berangsur surut.
Karena kondisi air sudah surut warga sibuk membersihkan rumahnya masing – masing, ada sekitar 45 kepala keluarga yang terdampak banjir dengan beragam ketinggian, mulai dari sedang hingga tinggi.
“Ada sekitar 35 buah rumah yang terdampak banjir. Namun untungnya tidak terlalu lama, dan air pun sekarang berangsur surut,” ucapn ketua RT 04 desa Tanah Habang, Paino.
Paino pun menambahkan jika seandainya kondisi air tak kunjung surut hingga lebih tiga hari maka akan diadakan posko siaga oleh BPBD kab. Banjar, dan akan di dirikan dapur umum tapi beruntung air cepat surut.
Tim Relawan langsung berkoordinasi dengan perangkat desa setempat dan meminta data warga yang terdampak cukup parah untuk diberikan paket bantuan.
Ada 45 paket bantuan yang disalurkan, paket bantuan berisikan bahan sembako dan alat kebersihan juga kornet Superqurban.
Usai mendapatkan data, dengan di dampingi ketua RT, Tim Relawan langsung mendistribusikan bantuan ke rumah – rumah warga terdampak.
“Terimakasih, bantuannya sangat berguna, alat kebersihan saat ini sangat kami perlukan untuk membersihkan rumah,” ujar Muhammad Arsyad, salah seorang warga penerima bantuan.
Izzatul Yazid / Lailatul Istikhomah[:en]BANJARMASIN. Friday afternoon (16/03) Rumah Zakat volunteers arrived at the flood site in Tanah Habang village, Mataraman sub-district, Banjarmasin. By the time the volunteers arrived, the water condition in Tanah Habang village RT 04 has started to recede. At the time of the flood, the water level was almost one-and-a-half meters deep, but the submerged houses were only about 10 to 20 centimeters only, because the houses of almost all residents took the stage.
Causes of flooding due to high rainfall in mountainous areas of meratus, this mountain is flowed the river flows several areas in the district of Banjar. Luckily the last two days there was no heavy rain in the upper river area, so the river water gradually subsided.
Because the water condition has receded the residents busy cleaning their house, there are about 45 families affected by floods with varying heights, ranging from medium to high.
“There are about 35 houses affected by the flood, but fortunately not too long, and the water is now gradually receding,” said the head of RT 04 Tanah Habang village, Paino.
Paino also added if if the condition of water never receded for more three days then will be held post alert by BPBD kab. Banjar, and the public kitchen will be built but lucky the water quickly receded.
The Volunteers team directly coordinated with local village apparatus and requested the data of affected people who are most effected to be given Aid package.
There are 45 packages of aid distributed, aid packages containing foodstuffs and hygiene kits as well as Superqurban corned beef.
After obtaining the data, accompanied by the head of RT, the Volunteer Team directly distributed the aid to the houses of the affected people.
“Thank you, the help is very useful, hygiene tool is now very necessary to clean the house,” said Muhammad Arsyad, one of the beneficiaries.
Izzatul Yazid / Lailatul Istikhomah[:]